
Agree that an HBO type network would have been perfect for him.  I'm a huge fan and he's at his best when his views are uncensored.  Travel Channel seemed to give him a ton of leeway to show/say whatever he wanted and I'm afraid CNN won't be quite so lenient.

Agree that an HBO type network would have been perfect for him.  I'm a huge fan and he's at his best when his views are uncensored.  Travel Channel seemed to give him a ton of leeway to show/say whatever he wanted and I'm afraid CNN won't be quite so lenient.

@avclub-4b85256c4881edb6c0776df5d81f6236:disqus Ummm nobody said Lions for Lambs or Knight and Day were good movies at all (not sure how you could get that from my post).  I just said that, as Tom Cruise's worst recent movies, they are better than most other actor's worst of the decade.  All I was trying to say is

@avclub-4b85256c4881edb6c0776df5d81f6236:disqus Ummm nobody said Lions for Lambs or Knight and Day were good movies at all (not sure how you could get that from my post).  I just said that, as Tom Cruise's worst recent movies, they are better than most other actor's worst of the decade.  All I was trying to say is

Everyone loves to pile on because of the couch jumping (kinda old news at this point) and scientology (deservedly) but really,its pretty lazy and inaccurate at this point to criticize his acting or movie role choices.  In the past 10 years he's acted in 10 films(not including Rock of Ages) only two of which have a

Everyone loves to pile on because of the couch jumping (kinda old news at this point) and scientology (deservedly) but really,its pretty lazy and inaccurate at this point to criticize his acting or movie role choices.  In the past 10 years he's acted in 10 films(not including Rock of Ages) only two of which have a

I brought this up on a friends podcast (approximately 7 listeners!!!) the other day and then felt embarassed when I saw that the story is over a year old.  Guess I wasn't alone…

I brought this up on a friends podcast (approximately 7 listeners!!!) the other day and then felt embarassed when I saw that the story is over a year old.  Guess I wasn't alone…

You know, when you think about the, a change in cast is probably long overdue for this show.  In any office environment the turnover of employees is ridiculously high with the exception of a few that stay around forever.  It might have been a good idea after a couple of seasons to make The Office more like an SNL cast

You know, when you think about the, a change in cast is probably long overdue for this show.  In any office environment the turnover of employees is ridiculously high with the exception of a few that stay around forever.  It might have been a good idea after a couple of seasons to make The Office more like an SNL cast

This makes me partly wish that it had been cancelled and that last night would have been the series finale.  Then I could watch the 3 seasons over and over like I do for Arrested Development, find new things to love, and bitch about it being cancelled too early.  Now I'm afraid it's going to go the way of The Office

This makes me partly wish that it had been cancelled and that last night would have been the series finale.  Then I could watch the 3 seasons over and over like I do for Arrested Development, find new things to love, and bitch about it being cancelled too early.  Now I'm afraid it's going to go the way of The Office

The self promotion is a little much, but he is absolutely right that it is probably time for some new stuff to be featured on here.  At this point we've already decided which of these we listen to/like so I would love for the column to be more "New to Us" and "Outliers" and less of "The Rest" one sentence reviews of

The self promotion is a little much, but he is absolutely right that it is probably time for some new stuff to be featured on here.  At this point we've already decided which of these we listen to/like so I would love for the column to be more "New to Us" and "Outliers" and less of "The Rest" one sentence reviews of

My only disappointment tonight was that I was REALLY hoping Giancarlo Esposito's video game character would get half his face blown off.  Especially after the group took the wheelchair across the water.

My only disappointment tonight was that I was REALLY hoping Giancarlo Esposito's video game character would get half his face blown off.  Especially after the group took the wheelchair across the water.

Great season finale and definitely agree it would have been a great series finale.  Unfortunately I'm very nervous that if Harmon is gone next season, in the end we may look at this as the "true" series finale.  REALLY hope I'm wrong on that.

Great season finale and definitely agree it would have been a great series finale.  Unfortunately I'm very nervous that if Harmon is gone next season, in the end we may look at this as the "true" series finale.  REALLY hope I'm wrong on that.

@avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus So you think it is ridiculous to use the argument that I actually hear people listening to Biggie often in everyday life and rarely hear people listening to 2Pac?  But then your arguments consist of "nobody ever mentions Biggie outside of Tupac" (wrong), a flawed measure

He said the first 5 albums he listed… The Chronic was the sixth.