
My roommate in college loved Bohemian Like You.  I always hated it and still do because whenever it starts I think it's The Rolling Stones Brown Sugar and then become disappointed to realize its the Dandy Warhols.

Would they ever kill off Kalinda?  I feel like this episode did a lot of foreshadowing (some very blatant, but also some subtle moments) of Kalinda being killed next episode. The one moment that really stuck out was when she was at the wine shop and was told to get out of law while you can.  It seemed very ominous. It

That would make sense.  The fact that they knew without question that they were with each other the whole time during deliberations 20 years ago made me wonder what they were doing that they were so sure.  So that makes sense.

Can we skip the beginning of all this guy's comments too?

Haha you are ABSOLUTELY correct.  She was incredible, as always.  I regret my omission and thank you kindly for pointing it out.

I loved this episode and though I haven't read through the boards yet, I'm guessing most fans did as well.  But for those who may have watched for the first time tonight, or even some that may have started watching recently, I can't imagine it played very well.  If I didn't know the backstories and traits of each

Someone may have mentioned this already but I agree with your thoughts about the cold open and that the show would be better if they were stretched into full episodes.  The writers seem to think lately that people are watching the show partly to follow the drama (albeit slightly comedic drama) of the management

Imagine if the final shot after they were locked up would have been of the airplane wreckage… what could have been.

"Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason"

Ha, you got me Dispey.  Those commercials are super sweet and I'm always walking around telling people how behind the times they are.

This feature has been dead for a long time but the Fat Betty quip a week and a half after the episode aired (with an all time classic Betty-less episode in between) shows that this has become not only out of touch and pointless, but also outdated.

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus A lot of people are answering you but nobody mentioned that Maron actually brought that up in the Michael Cera interview (recorded after the Cross interview, but aired before it).  Maron said that Cross and he go back so far that he completely forgot to even bring up AD.

If you haven't noticed, cable shows ads as well so it's still worth cancelling cable for IMO.  (Not including HBO, etc).

I think I use that line in real life more often than should be allowed…. I get a lot of strange looks.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus Chelsea sucking at the time might actually strengthen the argument.  He has a Mets pennant on his wall and that was during the terrible early years.  It'll pay off for him nicely in '69 though.

Yeah, one of the things I've learned in life is that most sentences that start with "Only in…" turn out to be not true.  It's one of my least favorite cliches.

I believe the pilot episode involves a very strong Varsity Blues reference.

@avclub-e77c7b588569860fddcbe6e3d528295d:disqus You are correct.  As with everything in life there are certainly exceptions.  My point was just that for the vast majority of people commenting on this article laziness is a much bigger factor in their inability to eat healthy food than cost is. For them it is

People who act like eating healthy is a privilege for the rich are ridiculous.  Fresh fruit can be pretty expensive in the grocery store but fresh vegetables are not. A lot of the people that complain about expensive veggies are the same people putting cans of soda in their cart.  Also, almost anywhere you live there

They need to just go the extra mile and start doing Arrested Development style fake "Next week on" after every episode… complete with Ron Howard narration.