
I've said it before in these comments and gotten shit for it but I thoroughly enjoy the Joe Rogan Podcast.  He gets some of the more "out there" guests but isn't that better than just reusing the same guests over and over like at alt-comedy podcasts do (which I also love by they way, but seriously).  His guests are

How aroused would the banshee make me?

Agreed.  I'm surprised to see people giving it such high praise on here.  Best of the season? One of the best of the series?  Really?!  Those type of statements really discount some amazing episodes. Now, being that this is Community it was still better than 99% of comedies right now but still a pretty week episode

Nick has improved tremendously.  In addition to the instances mentioned by Karyn and Frat Guise, the scene a few episodes ago where he tries to explain why you don't need to clean towels was one of the funniest things I've seen on TV this year.

@avclub-442d858de2f6f6ee44d36cd88a46669f:disqus The irony of this whole thing is that I bet most, if not all of us, that commented on this article (me included) are big fans of Maron and WTF.  It was just surprising to see such a venomous response to someone's pretty lighthearted quip (a similar one was actually made

@avclub-442d858de2f6f6ee44d36cd88a46669f:disqus But you didn't provide a counterpoint.  You reacted in an insulting, overblown, immature fashion that has continued to get even more immature as people are calling you out on it.  Go look through some other threads and you'll see that the term "Reasonable Discussions"

Is that how you react to people's comments in everyday life too?

I've been to a lot of rap/hip-hop shows (my first concert ever was Run-DMC) and I've found most to be enjoyable. A quick list of the notable ones:

@avclub-4cfd158c4a8894b07b5dd245343609e0:disqus  Wow, you really hit those stereotypes hard for both hipsters and jocks.  If you think physically bullying is the only kind that counts you're way off (after all, cyber-bullying DOES exist and obviously is not physical).  I'm definitely not saying that phsyical bullying

@avclub-02dd0428a167bde5e5b544cc1aae3f74:disqus Haha no, that's fine.  Pick on me all you want, that's what reasonable discussions are, right?  I guess where we differ is that I think the "jock who is genetically predisposed to hate star wars and comic books" is bullshit that for the most part doesn't exist anymore.

@avclub-02dd0428a167bde5e5b544cc1aae3f74:disqus Again, just picked Patton cause he was the first "nerdy" comedian that came to mind.  And in my defense he had one of the top selling comedy albums of last year.  But you could substitute any comedian in there.

Interestingly, Steven's opening argument could just as easily be made about Arrested Development (pop culture references, self referential, no real emotional payoff, etc).  Yet, I wonder if he would say the same things about AD.

@avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus Haha true.  It is possible I'm projecting my own experience onto everyone and its a lot of wishful thinking.  However, I do strongly believe in ease of access to information and entertainment and the positive impact it will (hopefully) have on culture.

@avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus  Yes, I do think High School Kids listen to Patton Oswalt (by the way, I just picked him as an example of a "nerdy" comedian).  The difference between Patton and say Steven Wright just a decade ago is the ease of access to information.  In order to listen to Steven

I feel like I post this too often on AV Club but I think you're wrong about the archetypes.  I think there are plenty of athletes who are listening to Patton Oswalt on the bus to games and getting good grades in science because they want a technology job.  Plus I think there are plenty of AV Club types who are

I would add "the increasingly cluttered look of the AV Clubs Homepage" right around the Mildly Irritating mark with a chance of it moving to the right.

I'm confused.  Is "Get It While It's Hot" supposed to be a mix of Hot Boys first album (Get It How You Live!) and Lil Wayne's first album (Tha Block is Hot)? If not, I've never heard of it.

He also played a pretty great comedic villain in Old School (though still a douchebag).

Except that it came out exactly a month before The Sixth Sense.  I liked Arlington Road for what it was but it was certainly nowhere near as good as The Sixth Sense.

So you haven't seen the Pizza Dance… she gets better.