
How do they not have a Best Comedy Podcast category.  I guess The Comedy Awards are just as behind the times as every other award show.

I enjoyed that DLM.  I can't really understand the complaint about it being 90 minutes long since most 60 minute episodes feel so rushed.

It would make much more sense to basically comb through different podcasts each week and let us know which ones are worth a listen or not.  Instead, I just get a recap of the podcasts I already listen to.

I agree with your entire post (save for the 10k viewers equals $50k for HBO as a live feed like that would cost a lot in bandwidth but that's besides the point). I think HBO really is a huge part of the problem.  That's why I get so frustrated when people constantly get angry at Netflix (for some reason this has

Plus most of us city dwellers live in apartments which often don't allow satellite.  Verizon FiOs (cheaper, more a la carte options and WAY faster than cable) will be a great alternative when it is more widespread but unfortunately it involves burying cables which is a slow process.

"I almost guarantee you that if every television network and studio announced tomorrow they were offering their entire libraries available online for a decent fee, there would still be rampant piracy."
Yeah but it would be severely diminished since a lot more people would start to pay.  iTunes and Louis CK are the

Cause that worked so well with Scott Pilgram vs. The World, which was one of the most pirated movies of all time yet a disappointment at the box office.

That's why it's important to rate the movies you see.  Then they start adjusting the rating to 'Rating for You' and it becomes extremely helpful and usually pretty accurate.

A ton of Documentaries and indie movies if you're into that sort of thing (I am)

I think I say this on every Netflix streaming article but those of you who complain about the content on the $7.99 Netflix streaming but are willing to pay over $100 a month for cable confuse me.

The Love Below at least was interesting.  Plus about 95% of his guest verses on other artist's song since then have been fire.  I don't know about you but I still feel that Andre 3000 is still fully capable of making a classic solo album.

Well, let's wait for that solo album before we all say some things we'll regret.

Isn't the irony of your statement the whole reason why hipsters love it?

@avclub-3d4b84fa18c2ef32a5677716893e0c39:disqus I honestly can't tell if you are just trolling if you truly believe that there is a correlation linking sports and terrible music.  You try to make the point in the CK article that generally people that know a lot about music don't like sports.  First of all, that is

A kiss with a fist is better than none

A lot of people that hate sports like terrible music. A lot of people that are kind of into sports like terrible music.  It is not a real thing.  There is no correlation.

I'm so sick of the AV Club acting like theres this huge divide between sports fans and pop culture enthusiasts.  They do it way too often.  It's like sometimes they want to live in a world that takes place in an 80's high school where the jocks hate them.

It's amazing that if it weren't for Comedy Bang Bang the name Harris Wittles would mean nothing to me but because of his podcast appearances I now give him so much of the credit for the quality of Parks and Rec.

I loved the cold open too but definitely though the scene with Ryan and Erin was what made it.

Ugh, my roommate freshman year of college played The Joker nonstop.  I disliked that song before college but now just hearing it sends me into a panic.  Even worse, about halfway through the year he decided to teach himself to play guitar and sing.  The song he decided to learn first was, of course, The Joker.