
You want a conspiracy theory?  Jim has been having an affair with Cathy for weeks at the office while Pam has been at home.  He didn't actually get any texts for Robert California, he just made up that story and faked the texts in order to get a free three weeks in Florida with Cathy and away from Pam and the kids.

This ends the meme right?

This Jurassic Park theme would have been funnier to me if I hadn't already heard the 20th Century Fox theme on Flute" which had me in stitches

I think the movies that they go up against in each year matter too.  For example, I thought Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good and didn't personally feel any Oscar backlash toward it because it was a pretty weak Best Picture field that year anyway (since Wall-E and TDK weren't nominated).  However, I thought The Hurt

@avclub-fcaae931422688b8a0134e51a7a2fb12:disqus Fair enough, I must have missed that.

I dont think it was.  Much like we don't know for sure that Will didn't actually bribe judges.  That ambiguity is definitely one of the aspects of this show that I love the most.

Not ALL of the positive buzz has been just OMG NEESON WOLVZZZ.  A lot of people seem to think it's legitimately decent. I personally thought it looked terrible but now I'm curious.  Might be worth a matinee.

I actually don't think I've seen that one (or I just ignored it), but based on everyone's reactions it sounds pretty terrible.

This is still the most realistic portrayal of High School I've ever seen, and I graduated High School in the early 2000's. Specifically the idea that while there may be "cliques" in high school they're not as clearly defined and separate as most HS movies and shows portray.  In my (admittedly fairly small) HS you had

The Grey is sitting at 81% on Rotten Tomatoes right now.  I typically don't use RT to measure a films quality but still… maybe there is something to this bar fighting wild wolves thing.

It's a race between that and the Miller Lite "manly" commercials for the worst things on television right now.

@avclub-1d9611114f69a2af507810370562ccd6:disqus  You have sex for an hour?!?!  Damn, I'm doing something wrong.

@avclub-15037e2695ec8b4820f9346d067edf39:disqus @avclub-4c37107b9dedb73b90f677930bf7728b:disqus  You are both correct and I was wrong. I tried to edit my last comment to state that but it didn't seem to work.  Thank you for the grammar lesson*

No, they don't.  American Idol filmed these auditions about 8 months ago and failed to realize that it was just a dumb fad that would be gone by the time the show aired.

@avclub-15037e2695ec8b4820f9346d067edf39:disqus Sorry…?

Which begs the questions… Which OTHER advertising spokesperson should be killed off?  #ForYourConsideration

Is the Priceline Negotiation character iconic enough to actually kill off in an ad?  I'm trying to think of another advertising campaign that went through the trouble of actually ending the (fictional) life of a spokesperson but I'm drawing a blank.

The College Dropout is really whiny because Kanye is really whiny.  Graduation doesn't have much direction because it wants to be so grandiose (essentially what MBDTF became).

Now I HAVE to watch Goodfellas tonight.

I guess I was referring to the lyrical content.  For the past decade plus, R&B hadn't really had anything dark or painful, at least not in the mainstream.  It was most love, pop, and party until 808s.