This is what a man sounds like

Oh is that all I stand to lose if I miss the deadline? I'd say it's worth 1.99 - it's pretty cool.

You know, when Zodiac says "THOSE GUYS ARENT HOMOS JUST BITCHES," it really seems like a compliment in a weird way.

Hey AV Club
I totally just wrote a long-ass comment defending you guys to this anonymous blogger who's apparently friends with Scobias:

Bite it! Bite it! Bite it! To bite it!

Well, I actually thought it was hilarious and awesome. Of course, I was one of the few that thought her "Most Tommy Lee Jones-like Award" was funny too.

She's way too tan.

I think THE THREE GUYS!!! were subbing for Amelie today.

Son of a Beach!

Well, if you can, I don't see how. I guess I'll just have to keep checking. Unless I can count on The AV Club to keep me posted!

iTunes noob here
What is the best way to stay updated on future installments of these motion-comics? Apparently they're free for a limited time, and I don't want to miss out.

I saw this on purpose too
I haven't seen any of the other Rambo movies, and I knew this movie's first mistake was in the opening seconds, which included news footage of Burma. Once you set your movie in the real world, I can't accept fetishizing violence like some lost Grindhouse segment.

I saw a rumor that Woody may be appearing on the next season of Curb. Can you even fucking imagine that shit?

Meh. I can get kinda so-so excited about a Blu-ray of something like The Dark Knight or The Fifth Element or something like that, but The Third Man? How much better can it look? It looks GREAT on my TV now.

There's a restaurant here in town called La Dolce Vita but the guy in the radio ads calls it "La Dolse Vita." Shit pisses me off.

Oh my fucking god
I am so fucking excited about this.

Where's the place to start if one wants to get into Asimov?

If this is a hit
maybe we'll see a Riverworld adaptation. Although I only made it halfway through Dark Design before losing interest. I've read that the books get worse and worse. Should I try again?

Day For Night is better than the French title.

These chips cure AIDS?

Toxic Waste habanero sauce will own your asses.