This is what a man sounds like

If that happens, the Hater will have to go on maternity leave in a few months.

I've been privileged enough to get a couple M-mails from Zodiac (m is for motherfucker). I'm glad to see I was talking to the real thing and not some impostor - he told me this shit was running today.

I don't think I'm exaggerating
when I say this is the greatest interview AV Club has ever done.

My mother-in-law doesn't need glasses -
she drinks straight out of the bottle.

Gone With The Wind isn't watchable?

Thanks for all the advice guys. Wise sages, the lot of you.

Exactly Quint. What it means is that more people saw Gone With The Wind in the theater than any other movie. It's pretty mind-boggling when you think of it.

I forgot to watch Venture Bros and Tim and Eric because I watched Leon The Professional instead. Damn latent pedophilia.

You better hope that kid's mom isn't a commenter.

For god's sake, stop making fun of Nathan.

I had no idea
gay guys loved The Golden Girls.


You guys are assholes?

The question becomes - what comic book character is REALLY George W. Bush? He'd probably be some henchman or something.

Condoleeza Rice looks like Two-Face if Two-Face were One-Face.

Where the fuck
is Ask The AV Club?

Don't people know too much about computers now for Tron to make sense?

You kill any real people?
No, just cops.

Why don't you grow up and give this show a chance?