This is what a man sounds like

"I'm a free-spirit, as evidenced by my wild dancing. I so need to get out of this conservative hellhole that's stifling my creativity."

As bad as The Phantom Menace?
Wow. I can't think of a worse think you could have said.

Well, I feel fine about not replacing with Blu-ray as long as Blu-ray's gonna become obsolete too. I hear they're already working on the next step: movies that are sharper and clearer than real life.

I'm just glad I'm not the only person in the world attached to the idea of collecting movies. Anybody else petrified about Blu-Ray eventually taking over?

My giant DVD collection
I have a huge DVD collection that's always growing - it's the closest thing I have to a hobby, I guess. Sometimes I wonder if the "collect!" impulse is distinct from the "watch movies!" impulse, even though their interconnected like they are. My lone concession to common sense: I've stopped…

If you trimmed an hour from Heat, you'd lost a lot of the compelling subplots that make it special. Yeah, some of them are too tidy, I guess, but something like Dennis Haysbert's character: Not essential to the plot, but touching and a special part of the movie.

Well looky here boys, we've got ourselves a reader.

All I know is that the scene in the book Dracula where Harker sees Dracula scaling the wall of the castle is fucking scary.

She's one of those girls who, despite obvious cuteness, I have trouble picturing naked.

I had forgotten all about Good Luck Chuck.

Good movie
For some reason the shot of the Egyptian slave (I think) getting impaled by a spear during one of the flashbacks sticks out for me. And also that great, great first sequence.

Estelle Getty, Let's Begin
Estelle Getty, Look out friend,
She knows you're wishin' that she'd go awaaaay!
But Estelle Getty's here and she's here to staaayyyy!

Let me get this straight
It's okay to call Jay Leno "Gay Leno," but not okay to call Natalie Portman "Fatalie Portman?" How about "Natalie Fartman?" Would that have been okay?

Ok, everybody take a deep breath.