
@ Sheltie: could be worse. my 2 yr old is in the "snapping dvds in half is FUN!" stage of his development. i've already had to replace fallout 3 and a few movies.

@ automaticjack: seconded. holmes was practically manic depressive and a bit of a show off. one has to remember the stories are (mostly) penned from the perspective of watson, who is not an omniscent narrator.

no mention of city of angels?
nick cage + meg ryan = crappy melodrama? not to mention the implict message that trying to requite your love means your lover will then be killed. now that's an abstinence message!

can someone knock some sense into terry gilliam
and get him working on bringing "good omens" to the screen, damnit.

well, carlin was 71 and paul newman was 83. not sure we can blame pixar for them.

weather is extraordinarly difficult to accurately forecast more than 3 days out. even then, still hard, as it is a ridiculously complex system. even so, it's gotten much better. perfect? course not. but reasonably reliable? yep.

i have a 2yr old boy, and have all the TMBG kid albums. they go in the mix with jazz, classical and rock. usually i can tell if he likes a song because he'll dance to it. though, every time he hears "hot dog" off the 123s, he gleefully shouts "MOUSE!"; seems he recognizes it from the 2-3 times he's seen the micky

@clueless: i have all the kids albums. highly recommend them.

sorry keith, but count meowcula is going to have to investigate the bizarre series of murders related to LOLCatz

@ willard41: actually, cars are made (mostly) by robots.

@ kimstaff: not surprising, actually. i still eat peanut butter & lettuce sandwiches and think chocolate goes great with cheese puffs. there is also some horrible debacle involving nestle quik that i seem to have a memory block on.

she looks like a knock-off botticelli, brought to life. her vocal affectations are even worse: faux-profondity that sounds more like someone pretending to be stoned.

also, isn't there some evidence the number of the beast is really 616?

i don't know. anything that takes numerology seriously is bound to be ridiculous, as you can always make a tenous connection. might as well base a film on "the bible code".

@ sandoz: a bunch of us mistook some fireflies for UFOs once. after i started hearing cannon fire and sirens, i distinctly remember thinking "it figures that aliens would decide to conquer the planet while i'm on acid. hey, wait a minute…i'm on acid!" mostly, hallucinogens just let you see what you are thinking

i wonder the same thing about bread.

sounds like MVP voting. we all know no one ever argues about that.

because it is music that my 2yr old can listen to, enjoy and even learn a little from. all without making me want to puncture my eardrums.

who ever wrote this episode should be killed!

wise teachings from my son
even if the bat is padded, it still hurts. also, my sister is evil.