
of course it's not a huge leap to suggest that. it's also not a spoiler, because the book is not yet written. it's speculation, albeit reasonable speculation, based on events in DWD (as well as martin flat-out saying it). but speculation nonetheless.

yeah, calvin minus hobbes isn't really all that depressing. it's just removing our peek into calvin's fantasy world and turning it realistic. or turning readers int0 calvin's parents.

i think mr. tickle doubles as "mr. inapproriate touch'.

that's when you teach them about "laughing with you".

i have a pre-schooler
and so i get this sort of amusement without having to subject myself to twitter.

my problem with excessive hyperbole
is it diminishes the power of language. consider how awesome has changed from meaning "inspiring a sense or feeling of awe and wonder" to "hey, that was pretty good". the dictionary meanings may be unchanged, but common usage has watered down the impact of some once powerful words.

i knew about ME3 and dragon age 2, but didn't know TES 5 was coming out so soon. that makes me happy, despite the fact that it will consume me.

james and the giant peach is rated PG. for "some frightening images". and you know what? that's fine. people take G as short hand for "this movie can babysit my child", and that's probably why they were pissy about toy story 3.

part 2:

part 2:

fable keeps getting less fun: part 1

@ some kind of munster: i typically find basements creepier than attics; particularly the ones in old new england farmhouses. but back when i was looking to rent a house, i was checking out an old victorian place. in the attic was a small room. inside the room were walls with some crayon scrawlings. there was a

jennifer anniston has opinions?
news to me.

@fidelastro: it's that pereverse american brand of puritainism that is still kicking around. if something makes people happy, then god must hate it and it MUST BE STOPPED.

jesus crossed with tinkerbell is pretty much how i described it to my wife after we watched it.

@dominic: tennet didn't pull off a "time-weary, ancient traveller" because he wasn't. the universe is still a blast and he was fantastic at projecting true joy whenever he encountered something new. i wouldn't call him mopey either, but certainly terribly lonely; more so, i think because he did think the universe

i continously fail to understand how the year a movie was release has any bearing on whether one can enjoy it or not. sure, there are broad aesthetic trends for certain time periods (not as much noir these days, for instance). but a rule like "nothing from before 1995" is so ridiculously limiting. one can concieve


hmmm, i scored a 14.

cole smithy, the only other man to hate toy story 3, did actually pan this by declaring it a threat to the throne of "battlefield earth".