
i saw that too. noting that stumbling into "journey to the center of the earth" gives the franchise license to set films anywhere should have been noted as a negative, not a "masterstroke". it screams: we will continue to churn these out, you will be assimilated.

i know there are devotees of text-based games, but i am not one of them.

i know there are devotees of text-based games, but i am not one of them.

agreed. isn't the reason people play air guitar simply because they want to play a real guitar, but don't know how to?

hey, a discworld based RPG would be pretty fucking awesome.

wouldn't it just be that blue guy from Underworld?

don't for get the sultry argentinian woman! although, the script for these things usually calls for brazilians, doesn't it?

zack, no mention of the score for 'last of the mohicians"? where is the love? that's the only film soundtrack i ever purchased.

i still think it's all about DVD/Blu-Ray sales
that "nominated for best picture" tag on a dvd box is all about marketing. the hope is to catch those who missed the initial run and will go buy it now there is some oscar buzz, or pick it up on the theory that oscar nod = must be okay, at least.

i think it's just recognition of the money in DVD sales. more films will get to put "nominated for best picture" on the box which will suck in more buyers.

not a good book to read when you are home with the flu though.

@ fat guy: but…velociraptors!

imperfect angel
wouldn't that be a demon?

what about "oversexed rugsuckers from mars"?

common usage and proper english (well, at least american english). usage may vary regionaly, of course.

@ pig in zen: as a fellow new englander, i thought we were always to be clad in flannel from ll bean.

sure, but who eats wolf? [insert insensitive chinese or korean food joke here].

if i won the lottery, i'd laze about on a yacht in the mediterrenian and get an awesome tan.

@ glyn: were any early NES games easy? hell, ice climber kicks my ass these days.

kid icarus was an awesome game. definately due for a revival