
@ littlealex: so, if you spend your funemployment on staycation, does it become a real vacation when you get evicted?

can we? please? i loathe these incessant attempts to coin "hip" new words.

joke's on them. all that backpacking through mongolia will bite 'em on the ass when the money runs out and they need a job again.

can't worry about zombie robots till we get past zombie cyborgs. can't forget about the transitional menaces.

@ dr monkey: yeah, but still ridiculous. dialogue comments, i should have clarified, apply more to star wars films.

@ everyone: if wishing people would explore the hundreds of variations of one of the most delicious beverages mankind has ever created makes me stuffy and narrow-minded about drinking, so be it. besides, it was more a question anyway.

"the left hand of darkness" or anything else by leguin.

@ evel & doo doo: even if the english and/or irish put tomato juice in beer, why should we care? it's not like either peoples are know for their palates

all of the indy and star wars films are, taken with an objective eye, terrible films. the plots are stupid, the dialogue sucks and they are pure cheese. so what? i enjoy the hell out of all of them (yes, the prequels and crystal skull).

@ the feed: vermont kind bud.

i don't think the pink is a problem. if a) i had a daughter; and b) some one gave this to her, it would not be the color that offended me. no, it's the fucking question cards. the implication is your child is too stupid to think up anything to ask the ouija board. that's offensive.

also, while the level cap raise is nice, broken steel is worth it for the tesla cannon. what could be better than a bazooka that shoots lightning?

c'mon, you know you'll get it. also, when elder scrolls 5 only offers DLC for the xbox 720, and not the ps4, you'll have the same complaint. it's like the tides; just flow with it.

products like these make me glad i have a son.

so, pretty much the same thing as with oblivion DLC?

had that issue (well, my wife did, i haven't made it that far yet). go do something else, come back later. you'll still get the movie ending, but then "2 weeks later" pops up after 'em. unless the purifier blows up, then you're fucked.

@ pig in zen: sorry, pet peeve. please don't use "irregardless". the word you are looking for is, actually, "regardless". thanks!

fierce invalids home from hot climates. the whole enlightenment stuff from the chink in cowgirls involved yams and anal sex. off the top of my head.

another problem in adapting robbins' books to film
is his fascination and frequent descriptions of anal sex. well, if one is not shooting for a porn adaptation, it's a problem.

see, when i see "hallelujah" as a song title, i just assume it's handel's hallelujah chorus.