
thank god for TMBG.

whole grain mustard, damn it. though dijon is good too.

@crapbucket: definately try them if you can find 'em. may is pretty much the only month you get 'em. now that i'm back in new england, they are easier to find in season. in DC they were harder to find and sad-looking when you did.

i have to say, i'm more excited that it's fiddlehead season. sauté those suckers in butter with some sage, morels and a little tarragon. heaven.

come over to the men's demographic, where we enjoy shirking our responsibilities as decent humans in order to watch sports and drink crappy beer with old college buddies!

it's a toss-up between raspberries and blackberries. strawberries are fantastic as well. blueberries: the "wild" ones are better than those monstrosities at the grocery store. mulberries are good too. and cape gooseberries.

malt liquor is a beer, but because of the alcohol content, cannot be sold as beer.

@john: hmmm. i thought it was just a southern drawl. never thought it was an attempt to get around "taking the lord's name in vain." seems rather stupid to me. if i was going to believe in an omnipotent deity, i'd choose to believe in one that wasn't dim enough to fall for a trick like that.

up is currently my son's favorite word (well, after momma. but before mine). so i think he'll like it. and pixar is nearly always good.

there is continuity in star trek? with all the fucking time travel and mirror universes? continuity?

i haven't seen that film, but generally, he looks botoxed. and yes, the hollow monotone does not help matters.

i don't think keanu is an idiot
i just think he's incapable of displaying emotion. for an actor, this is generally a bad thing. when the role calls for an emotionless drone (such as the matrix did), keanu isn't bad.

this thread is what people call "oversharing", isn't it?

cabot cloth-bound kicks the ass of any cheddar.

@ dcrj: that's a bot, not a troll. bots don't eat.

i think i watched this as a child. for years, i thought it just a bizarre dream.

neither wedding sounds interesting to read about.

i think la confidential is the most recent thing i saw her in.

@elitist trash: hey, i only noticed cause they were playing the sox.

nah. you just have to read "the silmarillion"