
isn't david attenborough legally required to narrate all british nature docs?

has anyone else noticed …
that william shatner appears to be managing the baltimore orioles?

oh, and CC, as an adoptee, i heartily approve of people adopting. good luck.

i thought i didn't want kids. turns out, i just didn't want them with my ex. once i found the right woman, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all. in fact, it seemed down right desirable.

calvin & hobbes started when i was 9. should i feel old or not? my parents bought me the collections, but didn't get 'em for themselves.

kids these days. what ever happened to incense and ozium? or the old "exhale through a dryer sheet in a paper towel tube". granted, i'm not sure that ever worked.

i have two hair styles: long and short.

book suggestions (that have likely already been made)
ursula k. leguin: either Left Hand of Darkness or The Telling

fox baseball sucks. miller and morgan are awful. any baseball fan is going to prefer his teams affiliated announcers over national ones, because they are far more knowledgable about your team. and, frankly, about the visting team too.

the only insects i fear are yellow jackets (well all hornets, but those are most common around me). mostly because they mean fuckers who will sting you as many times as they can get. and it hurts. and makes your hand swell up too (provided you are stung on the hand).

muppets are awesome, as is anything that comes out of the creature shop.

i'd like super-sonic hearing.

eh. i've got the bluetooth thing too, when i'm on call.

@ el zicho: also, you can hide replies. makes it easier to skip the firsties and insane calls for horrific death

nah, actually that's most of it. the future, space, aliens, super-tech, etc. are setting devices. the ideas dealt with reflect contemperary issues and concerns. specially true, i think, of 60's-70's sf.

sci-fi (at least, well written stuff) has always been about the present. all the tech and aliens, etc. is setting.

@totz jr: yep. plus there is a ghoul you can sell it to, so he can make super jet.

@miller: thanks for the link. that was distrubing and, unfortunately, unsurprising.

@ el zicho: exactly. walking, sliding down ropes, jumping; whatever. they're irritating and take up too much screen space.

i'm not a big fan of jones sodas. too sweet. boylans for me. specially their cream soda and root beer.