
@ brock: i agree. they are getting larger and more opaque. apparently, we are incapable of remembering what channel we're watching.

@ decal: all men of northern european descent are required to have random red hairs in their beards. the percentage of red is directly proportional to how blonde one is. curiously, actual redheads have brown beards.

@frito: the ear hair is just weird. why should hair grow in your ears? it makes no sense.

@ tomwaits: ah, well, that clears it up then. i keep forgetting i'm neither hipster, hip or vaguely cool and thus, not very knowledgeable about these things.

except for a brief 9 month stint (working at Abercrombie & Fitch in college. bastards made me shave.), i've had a beard since i was 18. so i can confidently state that trimming a beard isn't a big deal. 10 minutes every two weeks or so.

my greatest ageing fear is back hair.

i guess i'll be turning a young 33 this year, since i have all my hair and there is no grey in my beard.

@ pvc: i have one. certainly the best vacuum i've owned.

strawberry rhubarb pie is delicious. even better if you add a kiwi or two.

if you are going to hate a commercial
why not the new quiznos commerical that a) implies quiznos employees fuck the toaster ovens; and b) assumes likening a grinder to a giant cock will cause you to want to eat it.

@ellie: unless it is something obviously ridiculous (like naming your child kal-el), then name your kid whatever you want. why should name choice be tied to a particular ethnicithy? why is sanskrit ridiculous, as opposed to, say, latin?

duh. that's why you only stop time for OTHER people.

@ lovecraft in brooklyn: come back. the weather is even nice today. sunny & 60ish.

@ fritzy-poo: they do want to remove your uterus. so they can dip it in chocolate and garnish it with the finest lark's vomit.

@ perfect tommy: well sure, triscuts are tasty. but, "snackrifice"? it makes me want to kill. wheat thins are good too, but you don't see them pulling this shit.

using numbers as letters was cool in middle school: when they first gave you a calculator and someone showed you how to write hello on it.

um, my college roommate spilled his bong once. but he spilled it on his bed, not mine. so, no, my roommates were fine. bunch of likeminded potheads.

from an indie perspective, it gets your game out quickly (and hopefully before the other guy's). from a big corp perspective, you might actually make your release date.

frankly, that goes for all the islay single malts (and extra for lagavulin).
