
the root of twitter is twit
comment boards are the extent of my social networking (okay, maybe my blog too, but it's not like i update that). lack of interest, mostly.

@hip hopster: i thought the proper response to accidently running over a neighbor's cat was to nail it to their front door with an apology note (hastily scrawled on a crumpled napkin, in cat's blood) stuck on one of its claws. or have i been going about this all wrong?

a demo should be representative enough of a game to allow a reasoned decision as to whether or not to purchase said game.

i enjoyed 'till the end of time" but i was usually stoned when playing, so i kind of just ignored the cutscenes and dialogue.

in my case, it's just misanthropy.

@twagenaar: i read that too quickly and thought you wrote "john mccain". that would be hilarious.

melkior, eh? so he's also read the silmarillion?

all poetic forms have restrictions. they just get ignored when they are inconvienent.

hey, you can love B5 AND farscape. star trek too.

@ persia: nice

wasn't much of a fan of ds9, but at least it had worf & o'brien.

perhaps people (who still have jobs) are actually working?

i wouldn't bring my son (1 1/2) to any movie, let alone an R rated one. not only is it rude, but seriously, what the hell is the point? i'd spend the whole time watching my kid, not the movie. it's not like he would watch it. chasing a swift and wily toddler through a darkened theater is not my idea of a good time.

personal consipiracy theory: the sci-fi originals are being created in order to revive MST3K, without having to worry about copyright and licesnsing issues.

a burger IS a sandwich, noel
meat (and stuff) between bread = sandwich. and even the meat is optional. when you stick some food (other than bread) between two slices of bread, you have a sandwich.

another reason "heart" usually wins out is the deep rooted anti-intellectualism in american society.

my son was a c-section, so we obviously had to make MacDuff his middle name.

@evel: someone tried to sue to get them to show when the movie, not the trailers and ads, starts. justice was not served.


isn't the NYT also responsible for "mandals"?