
eh, you get achievments for the damndest things
c'mon, fable 2 gives you one for dressing your character all in black, for fuck's sake.

i may just be a naive optimist but, well, yeah. if we permanently lost all the technological advances we've made? sure, some people would snap and there would be brutality. but not permanent. we are social creatures and anarchy is not our natural state. people adjust.

well crap, i'm 32. i suppose this explains why i have eastwood's "man with no name" box set. also, why i cannot seem to get up off the couch. thank god for bedpans.

i'd love comments on savage love, but i understand why they don't have them

why does everyone predict that society would revert to base savagery if we lost stuff that didn't exist a century or so ago?

what's wrong with his hair?

i forget, was he an alien or not? oh, fuck…is that a spoiler?

well, "the golden compass" was an absolute trainwreck of a film. most of the potter adaptations are good, till they decided to mangle "order of the phoenix".

@ dr. venkman: so what you are saying is that, actually, you don't like poets.

@ green: respectful disagreement. first off, why not post poems on a pop culture site? that would imply that poetry does not belong in popular culture. surely we don't want the medium to remain insular and academic? i also disagree about posting yeats, etc.. again, why not? if someone was soured on all poetry

@ lebr0n hubbard: rap is poetry.

i never knew jesus was a cokehead too.

i'd agree with "death to the one panel comic" were it not for "the far side".

racheal ray sounds like she's up to at least 3 packs a day.

i might be stretching things here, but i always thought the romulans were based on, oh i dunno, the roman empire or something.

all vulcans have emotions. they just repress them. and spock is half-human too, which was always played up as internal conflict.

don't forget they turned wesley crusher into a god-like being too. oh, and that TNG ep. with the teenage Q girl. Q was not really "all powerful" either, as he had limits. granted, they were imposed by other beings of his ilk, but still: truly omnipotent beings cannot be stripped of their powers.

'stardust' is, i think, the only gaiman novel i've not read. the trailer for the movie makes it look like they dumped out the box of "epic fantasy" clichés and tossed all of them on the screen.

bob dylan is a great songwriter. bob dylan cannot sing. i find his music most enjoyable when performed by someone else.

apparently the techs are anti-poetry too: