
hey, sturgeon's law applies to poetry too. in recent times, the medium has, unfortunately, been hijacked by pretentious hacks who equate inscrutable with intelligent.

yep. we make it rhyme with turtle. just pretend you never saw that "i".

also, the "falling into a bottomless pit while holding up on controller 2 makes you invincible instead of dead" trick in mega-man. that was damn handy.

not only is getting to the moon rather difficult and dangerous, but yeah, outrageously expensive too. until there is demand for moon tourism, the cost won't come down. frankly, the overhead for operating such a venture (not to mention the fucking liabilty insurance) would seem to be damn near insurmountable.

ah, the NES. my folks still have one, kicking around. me, i'm glad to be able to download the original games to my wii. metroid was awesome. the original zelda, kid icarus, bionic commando, final fantasy…ah memories.

didn't they create the "best animated feature" category specifically so the academy could avoid nominating something like "wall-e" for best picture? so what if it was brilliant: it's a cartoon! it was made for kids! can't possibly the be best picture if it was made for kids, right?

sure, when there is reason for it. language is fluid and i typically fall on the side of "common usage is correct". expect when that common usage is stupid and irritating.

nah. constantly correcting the common and insignificant typos, spelling and grammatical errors in comment board postings is a good use of one's time. noble even. some might call it "god's work".

@ clueless: not commenting on people discussing it here. but, actual news coverage on the cold. unless it's the weather channel, there is no need to devote overmuch coverage. and more pointed at the jackasses on the local stations here in CT.

0°F when i left for work this morning in CT. cold, but not brutal. specially with no wind. hat & scarf = toasty.

see, that's how i lull them into a false sense of security and…oh fuck! i shouldn't have said that.

and yet, everyone seemed to know about the kryptonite. how a bunch of people could figure out that a rare mineral, found only in a few meteorites, would weaken superman, but couldn't penetrate the masterful desguise of a pair of glasses is beyond me.

i'd just like to take a moment to say that using "heart" as a synonym for "love" is a worse offense to the english language than the phrase "you go girl". it makes my ears bleed.

photos remove anominity, thus decreasing the ability to be a complete asshole to someone. well, for some people. i think it's only a big deal to those who use anominity to behave in ways they would otherwise be unable to. those who don't adopt a persona tend not to see real photos as a big deal.

don't you mean "Mike Hunt: Private Dick"?

sorry partdavid, but COBOL is still alive and well. okay, still alive at least.

since when do the ages of actors/actresses actually correspond to the character ages? that's what the makeup crew is for.

@ ade denny: polar does, indeed, still make birch beer. boylans makes a decent one too.

birch beer is awesome.

i'm here to help.