
symbolic representation of spoken syllables?

vote for sloppy seconds?

since i do most of the driving, my son is most likely going to learn all of his swearing and obscene gestures from me. i'm reasonably frightened that his first words will be "use your blinker, asshole!"

if we amputate everyone's middle finger, then NOT showing your middle finger will be an insult. it's a crazy cycle. the only solution is to kill everyone.

hey, at least he didn't expose his breast.

haven't seen the movie, but behavior of this sort is highly plausible. it's not logical behavior, sure, but since when does anyone stick to making logical decisions? people do moronic shit like this all the time.

you can't have any pudding if you don't beat your meat.

third wheel. the first time i ever noticed "fifth wheel" was on the tv guide for some crappy (and now defunct) reality show a few years ago.

no worries
all code releases, particularly complete site redesigns, are buggy (to some degree). no matter how much QA you have (and you never have enough anyway), something is going to slip. no worries, so long as you note and fix them. if you don't already (haven't looked), a dedicated spot (either comment thread

mmm…ruth's chris…[drools]

ahem…new haven pizza. wooster st. the birthplace of the brick-oven pie.

i just look like i need a haircut.

i just never listened to blink 182. but if i had, probably would have made the same mistake, given my penchant for transposition.

the auto-refresh on the post submit doesn't seem to work (in IE, at least). once i see it show up above my text box, hitting refresh seems to confirm the posting.

you aren't the switters i know, are you? cause i think he was in birmingham. unless are and you moved. or i'm just wrong.

i moved away for a few years, came back and now bob is made of clay. how did that happen?

derek jacobi? gene hackman? fuck, peter o'toole just appeared in a movie based on thomas kincade "paintings".

maybe he just realized: hey, wait…i can afford a fucking rolex! i'm rich! life is good.

go here.