
christmas loot
my extended family long ago went to a grab-bag format for everyone college-age and up (too damn many of us), so i only get stuff from my wife. which is good, cause she knows what i like and want. another pipe for my growing collection, new coat and an fantastic all-clad sauté pan. only

@ been jammin, frankly: assuming you are serious…welcome to the ranks of briar afficiandos. i happily made that switch about 4 years ago.

kate winslet is an excellent actress, as well as gorgeous and damn, damn sexy (mmm…hips & breasts). seriously, why would you ever complain that she takes her clothes off? does this even make sense as a complaint?

you have to remember the distinction between a screenplay and a story. whether the story is original or not is irrelevant; it is adapted because it is using existing characters. that is the adaptation: use of pre-existing work (characters and or story, fictional settings too) in your screenplay. true originality is

death cab for smithers

ya know, by home alone 4, wouldn't DCFS have been called? did they ever do a "foster home alone"?

why i cannot write this sort of film
my script:
[scene: starbucks]
kate: hey anne, i was think of having my wedding on [random day]

seriously though, how many tunes do you expect to be available in a post-apocalyptic wasteland? i'm certain they stuck with vinyl, so most of it must have melted in the bombing anyway.

what worries me
is that, despite the sheer awfulness of migdets playing basketball with dennis rodman, the worst part of that trailer was the asian announcer girl. i think her voice ruptured my ear drums. shouldn't people who speak like that be classified as WMDs?

this could be the first film to get the M.Y.O.F. treatment pre-release. i say we push for this.

i've been enjoying fallout 3. when i can wrestle it away from my wife.

sentience means simply self-awarness, conciousness of oneself''s existence as an individual. it doesn't mean something is smart, just that it know it exists. now, it does imply intelligence, particularly in common usage. however, that is because we include sentience in our concept of what intelligence is: something

diamonds make great grinding disks.

in my above post, it actually makes sense. honest.

anyone who thinks calling somebody a geek on the internet needs to take a look in the mirror.

no mention of the "good omens" movie adaptation?
that's been on the shelf forever too. granted, if/when it ever comes out, it'll probably get fucked up. but still, c'mon. deserves a nod.

@ the beastie: no they don't.

define success
there is a distinct difference between what society deems as being successful and what an individual considers success to be. for instance, i'm fairly bright (140ish IQ, nothing extraordinary) and actually have some semblance of social skills. to be measured a success in the eyes of society, i should