
fans move air
that's all. if the air is hot, then fans simply move hot air around. ceiling fans seem to make the air a bit cooler because they stir up the air, keeping the cooler air from staying low, etc.. but all they do is move air.

i'm waiting
for them to start "spoofing" movies that are still in production. seems the next logical step.

ice pirates. definately ice pirates.

the true sins of vodka
have been commited by smirnoff. first, they popularized the "vodka martini" which has led to the prolifiration of all sorts of misguided "martinis". serving a drink in a martini glass does not a martini make. gin and vermouth. that's it. if there are any other alcohols in there, it's not a

oh fuck
why do i have the horrible feeling that my born-again uncle is going to buy this for me?

thank god i have a son
and don't have to worry about this crap.

the matrix is philosphy 101: what if you were just a brain in a box? it's an entertaining thought experiment playing with that concept, but not exactly mind-blowing. or particularly deep.

dear av club
looking at the date in the article headline, i'm curious as to how you've managed to overcome the inherent paradoxes of time travel.

one of our finest short story writers
glad that he's still kicking around too.

second "deathbird stories" also, "the essential ellison" is a good intro, being a sort of best-of anthology.

and thus it's distilled, not brewed.

would the trailer make more sense
if i'd watched it with the volume turned up? or would it have just burned my ears?

i figure ZMF sounds like mike tyson.

roger's chocolates
in victoria, BC…best fucking chocolates i've ever had. empress squares and almond brittle; skip the creams (unless you like creams, that is).

for making me feel old.

i still don't understand
how an anime that consisted mostly of static talking heads and a monkey in a trunk was turned into a movie.

well, baked bean candies are terrible and odd. so are the peas & carrots candies too. mmm…vaguely minty sugar shaped like a pea! why do we try to make candy versions of vegetables anyway?

compared to corona, yes, sol is fantastic. most mexican beer is not to my tastes though. light and bland. meh.

ack, that's a terrible beer.

i'd probably like the dried squid
cause squid are delicious. likewise, who amongst ye taste-testers is actually dreading fried octopus next week? sounds like the japanese take on calamari to me.