
based on the commercials
i hate this movie already. seems like they came up with the punny title first, then tried to craft a movie about it. also, in commercials, there is a scene where the female lead is trying on lingere and having dempsey critique it for her? who does that, unless they are convinced the guy is

not because gelatin is made from horse hooves, but simply because it doesn't taste good. it's like eating plastic.

i like the mummy movies
specially the first one. they're fun, quick and entertainingly goofy. so what if they're indy knock-offs? everything is a knock off of something.

breast shaped food items
my dad once brought me back breast-shaped belgian chocolates (cream-filled) from amsterdam. hmm…belgian chocolates or what looks like some weird globular mass…

speed racer
did the show ever even have a plot? all i remember of it is talking heads and a monkey. how did this become a movie?

sure, try not to be a jerk…but certain things are kind of public knowledge. i certainly wasn't reading the news in the 70's, and i'm not into serial killers but i know they never caught the zodiac killer because, well, it's just part of cultural knowledge. well documented historical events don't count as spoilers.

the problems with ID
the most serious flaw in ID is that it is not, actually, a theory. more a criticism.

so, according to the tagline…
sharks aren't animals?

people will use what they are comfortable with. i smoked pot before i even tried drinking. other than the occassional hallucenogen, i never moved on to "harder" drugs, despite them being available to me. cause, well, i didn't want to. there is nothing inherent in pot that compels one to try other drugs.

no more clubbing?
so a thrisis is the horrible, crushing realization that one is an adult and thus, should at least feign responsibility?

er, no. but they've always been flip-flops to me. must be cause i'm a guy.

miss bimbo?
seriously? and, wait, an online "fashion game" that is actually called "miss bimbo", that promotes getting breast implants and is marketed directly at little girls who haven't even hit puberty yet is somehow more tolerable than a stupid t-shirt? it's good to know that another easily avoided eddie murphy

women were sandals, metrosexuals wear mandals (and carry man-bags or murses, instead of, um, bags) and real men wear only steel-toed work boots. or flip-flops, which somehow have been dubbed thongs.