Season ranking? Mmm 4, 2, 1, 3
Season ranking? Mmm 4, 2, 1, 3
I don't know, I thought this was masterful. This was a really scattered season, so picking up the pieces was always going to be difficult. But never would I have expected TVD to turn in a contemplative, meditative moodpiece as a finale. It really brought it back for me how this season has been about acceptance (both…
Oh my god seriously WTF.
Thanks for being so gracious (even if we disagree). Appreciate your response greatly. I get that too, so I understand that if I'm not laughing at something it doesn't mean it's not funny to someone else. I actually think Veep is overrated for other reasons, but I won't harp on them here. Thanks again :)
Overrating Veep is the new overrating Parks and Recreation.
Agreed, you won't hear any argument from me. The UK version of The Office is a phenomenal achievement. Just wanted to give the US version credit as well. I think the US Office still was groundbreaking though; it was different enough to be considered a separate victory. Anyway, really, the more the merrier :)
Been thinking about watching more films and becoming more well-versed with the genre. Just wanted to ask - which movie critic(s) do you really identify with i.e. agree with their critical judgment? And what solidified that opinion for you? I'm kind of leaning towards Michael Phillips, who writes really analytical…
The marketing campaign was kind of a double-edged sword, I think. They had to stick with the dream pixie girl image which Zooey Deschanel had cultivated from all the movies she was in. And it worked, because when New Girl debuted it was a hit. But the flipside of that is that it wasn't really a good show, and now some…
I'm not sure what it is about New Girl, but somehow this show can be really quite polarising, even in critical circles. I'm firmly pro-, but some of the broadness can really rub some people the wrong way. I feel that sometimes too, but I'm always brought back in by the GREAT character writing and relationship writing.
Oh, definitely. I think at its best The Office managed a inimitable blend of cartoonish gags and real character moments, which is a HUGE influence on all the single-cams we see today.
I LOVE LO SCANDALO SO MUCH. Wish I had come up with that staged dinner table scene with everyone putting on airs and speaking with ridiculously pompous accents. So hilarious and unbelievably inventive.
YES. I think I ultimately prefer Dinner Party to Fancy Party because it's really redefining what comedy is capable of. It's a darkly humoured, half-hour one act play/comedy of manners (or lack thereof) that epitomizes the groundbreaking brand of cringe comedy pioneered by The Office.
I contend that "Dinner Party" is The Office's best episode. And "Andy and April's Fancy Party" is Parks and Rec's best episode. Also see the two episodes as funhouse mirror versions of each other, both illuminating what was so great (and so different) about each show.
Yeah, New Girl is my favorite network comedy on tv currently (2nd after Enlightened, if you include cable). Just really love character-based sitcoms, especially those that grow with their characters, and aren't afraid to be melancholic at times. No other show is better (well, Enlightened, but still) at capturing the…
Nvm, found it! It's Lucius - Until We Get There. http://newgirlthings.tumblr…
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays at the end? That needs to be added to my playlist, stat. Seriously, love the music choices this season, even more so than Girls.
Agree that this can't be considered a bottle episode, strictly speaking. But the idea that it might be constructed almost as such (clone shenanigans at a house potluck! I know, let's invite Paul and Vic to introduce an element of danger!) kind of soured me on this week's episode. And I can understand everyone's basic…
Eh, thought this episode was only ok (B). Pretty obvious they were just shuffling the characters around to fill out the episode (Vic, Felix) . The episode basically needed to bring Paul from a state of not-knowing about the clones to awareness at the end, as well as some other exposition about Neolutionism etc.
Between Archer and Bob's Burgers, which is the best animated sitcom airing on tv currently? I'd probably say Bob's Burgers, but I'm a hardcore Archer fan.
Wow, when even Steve Heisler is giving Parks and Rec C+, you know Parks and Recreation has officially fallen out of critical favor.