Yeah, I agree. Not much consensus in the grades. Except the rightly deserved F grade for Glee. Not that I'm watching, but I'm sure it deserved it.
Yeah, I agree. Not much consensus in the grades. Except the rightly deserved F grade for Glee. Not that I'm watching, but I'm sure it deserved it.
Would it help if I backed up my grades with some explanations? :)
Parks: Thought it was all right. I don't really know what the Dennis Feinstein subplot was supposed to do other than have that character be wacky (probably a C+). The Councilman Jamm-animal stuff was horrible for the most part, but I liked April's…
The actress who plays Freddie (Lara Jean Chorostecki) looks exactly like someone out of a Joss Whedon show. Kept expecting her to burst into quippy bubbly banter.
I feel like the lush surreal dream/nightmare imagery is equal parts hypnotic and disturbing, creating a tension that I somehow really like. It doesn't fetishize violence (unlike other serial killer shows), but it lets me get a feel of the cognitive dissonance Will Graham is experiencing.
Thursday night grades: Community (A-) > Archer (B+) > Hannibal (B+) > Parks and Recreation (B-) > The Office (C+)
I thought this was a decent episode that showcased the strength of New Girl's ensemble cast and mostly nailed the emotional beats at the end. Not essential, but still solid. Would say B+ instead of B-, really.
ITA. I thought the episode reflected some of Parks' worst impulses. There was also an undercurrent of mean-spiritedness that really irked me.
Thursday night grades: New Girl (A-) > Community (B+) > Archer (B+) > The Office (B-) > Parks and Recreation (C) > The Big Bang Theory (D+)
Season 1 is kind of rough (though not without its highlights), but just wait until you get to Season 2. Omg every other episode would make my heart swell with emotion.
I felt that way about S3, but S4 is definitely what I consider a GREAT season of Justified, right up there with S2. Apart from the mid-season lull in episodes 6-7 (which has been part of any Justified season, really), the rest of the season was Justified at its finest.
The Walking Dead has had some fantastic, moving dramatic moments and heart-racing/stomach-churning action sequences. But I always feel reluctant to ascribe credit to the writers since the characterization/plotting is usually so half-assed (other than the positively exceptional 'Clear' - really excited for what Scott…
Ok, I really have no goddamn clue, so I'm putting this to a vote!
Just wait till Masters of Sex premieres on Showtime…
I've been hearing a lot of praise for Scandal, and am tempted to give it a try, but saying it's better than House of Cards (which I'm still largely on the fence about) doesn't really make me want to start watching.
If Legit really is the male version of Girls (albeit coarser and ruder), then I AM SO IN. I can imagine the thinkpieces that will be written about the show already. Also really interested to see how the show will be received by Girls' core audience, and whether Legit will receive a backlash of its own (to be expected…
That happens to me sometimes. But I find that on hindsight, the longer I think about 'better' movies the more I actually end up liking them. And that 'liking' outweighs the 'cheaper' thrills (even if they were greater to me at the point of viewing) that I might have gotten from a lesser movie.
I think my biggest surprise reading your list was seeing how low you placed Luck and Game of Thrones (considering how highly you've spoken about their recent seasons). I guess I can see why Luck might not be in your top 10 (it has some indelible moments of televisions for me but there's also a LOT of table-setting and…
5, 4, 2, 1, 3
5, 4, 2, 1, 3
Tremendous episode. Absolutely floored.