The Beard

(trying to play it cool) Oh yeah, Nick Bockwinkle, for sure- OBVIOUSLY, I mean, c'mon! I was just kidding- Nick Bockwinkle for sure, sheesh…

I wonder who was his favourite? Baron Von Raschke? Jerry Blackwell? The Iron Sheik? Rock'n'Roll Buck Zumhofe?

testing gimmick, test test


wow- that is sad. Great drummer, lots of style, and… a nice guy and all that. Ok, I'm gonna take this lasagna I baked for Beyonce and  whatsisname over to the Ardolino household.

Do you mind if I use that? My son needs help with his creative writing assignment and I am fucking BUSHED.

-well that was quite an amusing read, mr. o'neal…

"It was in the dock and then the dock ran out of water."…yeesh, I guess so…


IF you have two hours to kill and absolutely nothing else to watch, IF you do, then by all means, give some context to an increasingly obscure gag. But is it worth it? Probably not.


right, of course, but even Guy Fieri thinks Robert Irvine's a douche.


remember when you were young, Apes-Ma?

yes, truly hilarious, to wit: I don't even watch the shows, I just read the reviews and I'm happy with that. 'Takes so much less time and I'm sure I'm infinitely more informed. Besides, I know if I watched it I'd just be infuriated. I can't scream at the TV anymore, it unsettles the wife. Thanks!

I'd bump 'Epileptic' up into the 'Essentials' list… a personal, magical narrative with entrancing art… depressing, and funny… loved it.

"Paying for It" astounded me, in it's frankness, but also his unequivocal commitment to his… dismissal, I guess, of sexual mores. And the detail and footnotes and lengthy, complex arguments and explanations… so obsessive, and, yes, engrossing. Thankfully I got a copy from the library, as I could only visit that world


ho yah- a bloodbath for sure…

Baffling. She was obviously trying to adapt a 'fool-proof' recipe into a two-day preparation situation. Tough call, but cooking and re-heating might have been a better choice, or, if the situation calls for it- and this is a golden rule for sure- scrap your precious plan and rethink according to the limitations.