Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

Prefacing an "I'm, about to be an asshole here, so here goes:" with "For me" is something I hear from Shark-Eyes Barbie Platinum Edition (Tomi Lahren) when she's…about to be an asshole.

Interesting thing nobody's brought up: "Mrs Scott Baio" spoke to her less than a month ago, and the topic of STAGE FOUR CANCER didn't come up? Close friends, there…

You know what other classy people said IF?

It needs to only be a short matter of time before someone begins siccing contrarian bots (contrabots?) into these troll-feeds…

Donald Trump locks down the nomination of the GOP, gets another good
nut-kick in on Cruz in the dirt and still somehow manages to lose out on
being the most creepy clueless narcissist of the day.

In post-Revolutionary America however, Noah Webster was interested in creating a cultural (and by implication, a more advanced) difference between the new States and the mother country by systematic alteration and streamlining of the language. Webster apparently understood that ethnicity is very much about language.

Off the coast of North Carolina lies Okracoke Island, which was settled at the end of the *16th century* by English settlers. Because of its remoteness and the xenophobic nature of the islanders, they have preserved a dialect of English that linguists say is the nearest version of how it was spoken in Elizabethan

No, but J-actors will.

The women's undergarments are much sexier for a PM; Maggie's Hessian-weave burlap knickers excluded.

"You don't have any arms or legs!"
"How do you think I rang the doorbell?"

I put six of my favorite backup names in and they all are free. However, the one I did get a "yes" return on (an acronym), I Googled and got nothing of the sort. Not even as an acronym, just a college sports player's last name.

You're thinking of Mr. Wizard.

Quitting ziggurats greatly reduces your chance of future chronic health problems.

Weird. That sounds like it was in Missourah.

My fave is "my young comedian's custard cannon."

Had to upvote what I'm assuming is a Buckaroo Banzai reference.

Of course you do. You listen to the fucking Who.

Frank Sinatra is actually credited with the invention of the concept album. He phoned in most of his career because he could, after earning lifetime passes for starting Reprise records and inventing another concept called "creative control by the artist."

I can take or leave Twilight Zone as well, but it's a solid B-side, agreed.

Something to try on any avowed Rush fan's codes or PIN number.