Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

When you take "Cygnus X-1" off Side 2 of _Farewell to Kings_ and abut it against "Book Two" (side one of Hemispheres), then you've got yourself a concept album.

Aren't the RHCP simply just a concept *band*, where the concept is "we live in Southern California?"

…and for an encore he figured he had to go back and hurdle the bar he set so high out of reach. And IMO, he did. Backing my hypothesis is the fact the hothouse flowers in the music press hate taking the piss, so they made a blatant effort to rip Passion to shreds.

"Thick" had the best concept of all for an album: A singer/songwriter/arranger releases an album that gets tagged in the music press with this new hip phrase called a "concept album," despite not necessarily intending that. So, for a wry joke, he decides to write a 45-minute song in the persona of a

There just can't be more WUWT without Jason Sudeikis in a fro and red tracksuit. There can't.

And then Chevy Chase was leveraged into "Community" by network execs, and things became much more clear about the dynamics of The Comeback.

It scans okay if you pronounce it the way Frank Reynolds refers to his 'dead hooer wife.'

Unless you're getting on his territory, remember that Walt is just a modest chemistry teacher.

Ford Prefect. No explanation necessary.

Without a doubt, his style parodies are his best ones. It shows he actually has songwriting skills, and also as a bandleader in that he has one of the tightest bands in the biz, still largely the same guys he's worked with since Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz played guitar-case percussion for him on Another One Rides The Bus.

It's so rare that I watch something that is so darkly-wicked funny but finding myself not laughing even once—even nervously, I can't even cite an example offhand. I was so transfixed by where they were going with that sketch, with the setup for each punchline leading to the suckerpunch of cold hard reality,

Because he looked 40 on Mr. Show.

I find the best episodes tend to be heavy on the Jillian; the way she alpha-dogs that guy down in the bar is nothing short of terrifyingly hilarious.

Taylor Dayne?

I think it would've certainly helped if they had revisited that
discussion in a little more depth. However, I suspect that with the
midway role-switching gag (with Dennis eschewing the blackface for his
portrayal again), the "our audience has come to expect that of us" line
was meant to recap that argument.

What do we make then, of the episode of Mad Men where Roger Sterling wears blackface for a comedic sketch at the country club?

Argument needs more fucks. And full penetration.

It was really smart how, when Olson got injured during the episode, that they were referencing that episode of AitF when Archie had to take someone to the ER while in blackface, and he had to explain to the black nurse it was because they were doing a "menstrual show."

COUteapartyGH!! I'm sorry, I was trying to say "Tea Party" and a cough got in the way.

Most recently, Don Yelton, the NC Republican precinct boss who lost his job after tying himself a full Eldredge-knot's worth of rope to hang himself on The Daily Show of all places, is yet another in the long line of bigots who lament why *some* people get to use that pesky ol' N-word while others (like him, because