Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

Whoopi Goldberg has remarked about Billy doing blackface, specifically his Sammy Davis Jr, with "bless his heart…I know he *means* well."

Yay! Tracy Morgan/Jordan's coming back to teevee!

Figured I'd downvote yours to help even things out for ya.


Ehhh, I don't even know anymore.

IKR? I wanted to get right on to the business of hating whatever simplistically, choppingly catchy vapitude bopped out of this guy's mouth, but his is actually the best Hatesong I've read as far as someone providing a real analysis of a song's failing and why it deserves his hate.

Eh, we just sing the Futurama birthday song around this household now. Complete with "and you smell like one too…heh-heh-heh."

As bad as using a police siren in an ad-spot you know goddamn well is for radio. We're trying to drive stoned out here!

Agree with almost everything except Amazing Grace, which I may have to realize could possibly be my all-time Hatesong. I will shout noises and obscenity to drown it out if it's on my TV until I can mute it. For similar reasons that people can hate Kumbaya, I also truly, madly, deeply abhor this one because though only

Curiously enough, years before the ASPCA commercial, I associated that song (and her voice in general) with the sound of tortured and dying animals.

Baby, I'm Sizzle-lean!

Lord Kony 2012?

I think someone should've forced them to stay with each other till death do they part. They seem perfectly deserving of each other, and the pool would have two less sharks to worry about.

WTF is it with chick singers and their vapid ditties about the sun?

It's absolutely hitlerious.

I saw the HORDE in Indy. I definitely remember standing shoulder-to-unbearably sweaty shoulder in very wet mud watching Morphine maybe 25 feet from the stage (Sandman was dead a few weeks later) and Neil Young was with Crazy Horse(?) Some other bands were there as well and I probably heard them too.

Born on third with the ump waving him in to steal.

Probably split from him when she realized the exact moment he was going to become a liability—and boring drag of a time-suck having to stand by him—to her career(ism).

Manzarek didn't "make" the band, but I'd call him the brains of the organization. Krieger was the true soul. Densmore was the atmosphere it breathed in, in the way Mason did it for Pink Floyd.

or Afghanistan.