Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

Up the voltage, Jerry.

So true. But we do it with the best vocabulary and grammar of any message board.

I noticed even back on "All I Want To Do" this annoying kind of
flange-effect on her vocal tracks, as though it was plainly obvious she
had some sort of thin, characterless voice that needed tons of studio
help. Found that song, and every single one since to be the sort of faux-boho product I had always suspected.

Dear me, someone woke up on the wrong side of the McMansion this afternoon. Nobody hates hipsters more than other hipsters.

They're the typical Michael Bolton fancougars, but "edgier", in that they have either a navel ring or a butterfly tramp-stamp.

What song are you parodying? I hear the tune but not the words.

If there were a "Hatejoke" column, you just called out THE very line that makes me leap for the mute-button. Honestly, I had punchy-stabby thoughts for Kurt after that first broadcast of KS's special, wondering WHY anyone would waste anyone's time in that manner. He's going to have to do at least a years' worth of

"The Three Little Fishies" makes me want to trek out to the barn for my kerosene lamp, then melt that fucking shitty wax-track into candles for my outhouse.

$10M dumped into Swift's lap isn't going to fuck her up; it's practically an entitlement. Her dad is an investment banker who created a label out of some couch-cushion money in order to sign her. When I read about that, she became #1 with a bullet on my pop-hate list only by virtue of making me sympathize with Kanye's

It makes it amazing when he can keep doing it for 60 years. Suck on THAT endurance-stick, Marina Abramovic!

And we shall step backward toward the door for whomever uses Brigadier Pudding.

Nova is the best for rejuvenating. It's right there in the fucking name.

I love lamp.

I had to like this too, because I laughed at the sentence "High praise from Buttfart Rapedick."

Taylor Swift is the Billy Joel of her generation, if Joel had begun his career on "Uptown Girl" instead of "Captain Jack."

One does not "win Twitter." One "wins the internetz."

I can help but see Julie Delpy's character, that precious little uber-Aryan monster from Europa Europa in Taylor Swift. Must be why I find myself humming, "Feels like a crystal night/Dress up like Hitler…"

If ire is teed-off, then what is irked?
Still haven't seen this movie yet.

Just play the root, you don't get a solo.

Always feel the need to make a local plug, so here goes: Abita makes a good IPA called "Jockamo", referencing the famous Mardi Gras song refrain. Yeah, I described it the first time as being punched in the tastebuds with a fistful of hops, but the thing is to not drink it too cold. Keep it more like a Czech pilsener