Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

That final scene where they're marching through the burning field singing the Mouseketeer theme, on the surface reads like a return to the innocence of youth, but it really seems more damning of the whole Red-Blooded-American-Boy culture that feeds the military machine. The shoot-em-up games we played as kids were the

That's not "gearshift", that's "foreshadowing".

Oh, and particularly you , AJR! You live too close to me. TMI! TMI!

Or does he mean he's a non-pro doing the first set before the Beach Boys?

See, people…this is the Big Fear I warned you about!

I should change my handle to "Atropos" because I am the THREAD-KILLER!

Dammit, Reck! I slipped on the floor and almost faceplanted into a tuba bell!

Isn't that…facetious.

Thurman Merman? Jesus!

In the Russian cinema popular on the internets, anal seems to work best in combination with clapping a hand firmly over the girl's mouth.

It's a simple thing. Simple as a flower, and that's a complicated thing.

Very obscure. I first noticed him around 2004 on Air America when Sam Seder brought him on for some mighty-fine Bush-bashing.

If you are patient enough to rub your spoon back and forth on your cell wall enough, you can make a neato keen shiv. Of course, it's shank or be shanked.

And who needs real face avatars when there's Bender, baby!

Yevgeny Mirmanski, hitman from Russia!

Please stop. You're going to make me check this site out if you continue. I don't really even want to give it so much as a tick on the counter.

Reck, I think Clare Booth Luce said the same thing.

Gluniack corn and I don't care
Gluniack corn and I don't care
Gluniack corn and I don't caaaaaaare
ZoMoFo's gone awayyy!

…that means we won't be hearing from Carl the Convenience Store Guy anymore?

A melon warmed in the microwave? Very creative, Billy!