Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

I wanted to be the first one with a Meader ref, damn! But I'll at least mention the first Lenny Bruce show after Kennedy's assassination, about a week after it happened. Everyone wondering what the king of bad taste was going to say—surely he couldn't make light of the worst tragedy in a generation…

No one's dropped "Irreversible" into the shock-tank of antiromcoms yet? I can't remember who the critic was that called it possibly "the worst date movie ever made."

Keokuk, Ketchican, Kankakee, Cucamonga, Kokomo…

I'm waiting for Mary-Kate to shoot Ashley and blame it on a gang who might be Asian, because they were speaking some sort of strange language, I think it was…….ASIAN!

BECAUSE of Wal-Mart, ten of thousands are out of work, from lowballing the retail stores that existed in the small towns and suburbs that employed them and their parents, and the workers at factories that made American products, sometimes for generations. Then they hire them for low wages and no benefits, wherein

@nameless: Yeah, what a dbag, getting a concussion and ruptured spleen. So uncool.

The first one I run to is Mr. Show, and the series of commercials ultimately leading to the invention of "mustmayostardayonnaise." Viz, a yellow-and-white-stripe-bedecked Lincoln freeing the sandwichmakers of America from having to separately apply mustard and mayo to their bread. In the commentary, they also

Oh, I just realized you're from N.La.. That's about the right number of e's in 'shit'.


I was going to more readily harp (split!) on "your vs. you're" first, but that's another one I can't stand reading.
For some of us oldies who had to go out and kill trees for amusement and enlightenment, the written word is an important thing. I sling around my steamer-trunk of ten-dollar words on the uh, internets not

You can lead it up as long as you expand the lecture to incorporate all improper uses of " 's" in pluralization. ALWAYS POSSESSIVE! NEVER PLURAL!
It's (heh?) bad enough when you see a flyer advertising "Pit Bull's for Sale Male's and Female's" on a telephone pole, but its (booyah!) improper use in the text of a

I said, "it's time to fit that girl with a silver anklet and a short chain to the radiator."

For the Confused Brooklynite, as if Louisana weren't balkanized enough from North to South, you'd feel totez at home in New Orleans East. They speak something that sounds so much like your borough that a Brooklynite finding him/herself in Arabi, Chalmette, or the Irish Channel just might be axed, "Wheredja go ta

That would be a helluva drop in paygrade for me, civvie.

Pigs'll eat a human, given the proper motivation, such as "They'd eat *you* if they could." So maybe the ladies might scream if they'd seen their friend, all pig-et.

Even my far-too-charitable wife had a look of surprise from that outburst. An' I sez, "Finally, a real moment after five seasons!"

Speaking of timezones, this message board really doesn't know. Unless we have a lot of posters watching US telly in real time from East London, I'm curious how when I'm posting at one in the a.m., a cluster of posters have already strafed through at 4:30am.

I'm gonna call fail on two counts: you got an AS before moving on to another school, and it looks like that's a total of four schools, whereas SP needed five locations. The 'four times' is how many transfers she had.
Also, I don't know much about U-Pho other than some TV commercials, but I thought that was an online or

He painted his nails several times this season. That is one daid sissybwah.

Abou' dat accent, cher…
About two scenes before the "box of reveal" I actually caught myself noticing that the actor playing Rene was pretty convincing with what is apparently the hardest accent for an actor to attempt, given Hollywood's long list of failures with "Cajun authenticity".
Yes, nice bit of irony with that.