Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

I even Googled it before posting
A girl-band, worth extra points if they're blondes: Tammi R. Lane & The Golden Whored

Of course we can, sweetums. We could talk about how you should never shave your head again, as it shows off your linebacker neck.

What makes fascism thus is mostly the merging of business and state interests; it is crony capitalism put out in the open and defined as the patriotic ideal. Mussolini divided the country's socioeconomic sectors into 14 "corporations" which were directed by an inner circle of capitalists. Nazi Germany was fascist in

Also, we can now add "finding out her father's not really dead on a morning talk show" to the list of things that accentuate Laura's Mongolian rapist eyes.

If this line doesn't explain it all:

I respectfully have to agree with Wally. I didn't draw the knife, per se (vampin!), but I was full o' the blood'n'guts from dressing a few dozen chickens on the in-laws' farm. Years of factory-farmed misery had dulled my tastebuds so much that the first dinner of fresh meat had a physical effect that was almost

She lives in a Bio-Dome, wiiiiith….

Here's what I want more info on. I haven't heard that she failed out of any of those colleges, but that none of them were a 'good fit'.
I can understand switching colleges b/c of that—maybe even twice—but FOUR TIMES?!?! And this was consecutively, not the dropping out to work for five or ten years and giving it

Thing about Danny-Boy, when he took a spin at the primary in '96 was that he knew he was a one-trick pony. His ENTIRE platform was the three-word mantra Traditional Family Values, and with his Reaganesque rose-colored specs, he thought that everything else that Amur'ca was about flowed verily thus from there. How

The reason I love that word as an epithet so much comes from first hearing it used in the late '70s, with the -bag suffix still in common parlance. A douchebag was particularly defined as being used to wash out the ol' post-sex ladyparts in attempt to avoid pregnancy, and via the nozzle, sucked back into the bag for

Gotta paraphrase it a little, since I don't have The Bald One's words memorized, but I think it goes a little something like this:

It wasn't so much the fart (which I didn't even hear), but the masterful sideways dead-drop onto the beanbag.

Mr. Sparkle, in its original translation: Misata Supakura

and some more
Since it was recorded…three whole original songs, mind you, a-and we even once played live (gasp) in front of people (ga-asp!) in a Ruston cow pasture (phew!) on the same bill as some teenage E6'ers while they were still spitballing three-word combinations to call themselves, so I'd have to say 'Krunchy

In five years, we'll all be working for him, or dead by his hand.

IRS bumped the writeoff up to $.585/mile in July, a firstie for them. They never adjust in midyear. Sah-weet!

How more postmod can we go now, in that money is now officially ZERO guarantee of class or sophistication in any degree? Here in reddest-of-the-red, 77% for McCain-Palin redneck-red STP, I went to a soiree at the local boat museum. About 60 chefs from the top restaurants in the area (Looziana cuisine indahouse,

That's what 1'm talkin' bout.


Server error? What fresh hell is this?