Cpt. Leroy Hotdog Zanzibar

Yet another living example of the sort of d-baggery one expects from the E6 crowd.


There we go! Stir the pot!

I wonder how well JC and the Gang of Twelve would've done with their proselytizing if all they did was knock on hovel doors and press a boring scrap of parchment scattered with a few anecdotes on whoever answered, and then just hauled ass on their merry way?

Hells yay-uh! Rusty Cage!

Just to toss it in, since "We Can Work It Out" was mentioned, Deep Purple made something intriguing out of that song on Book of Taliesyn (sp). I think Gillen was on vox, and of course Blackmore was bending those six strings to the breaking point.

These self-referencing comments are rather meh-ta.

I'll check in a little later…
I prefer the role of an annotator than a comment originator.

@me, too: You seem to have a feel for my discography, but old proggers tend to draw from the same well.

Thing about Crimson—and I'm going by Bruford's near-lifer presence in the band—is that Broof is such a crisp drummer, what with all the cymbal rat-a-tat and the steel snare. Five, even six guys don't make mush in that group because the sonic space is so clearly defined. Even with Pat Mastelotto (sp?) as a second

I think the rules for drumming are different for power trios. With just a bass and six-string, the percussion space is opened up to play looser, and ya GOTTA fill it up with cymbals. Once it becomes a quartet or quintet, the other melodic instruments need more room to breathe. Otherwise, it all starts to sound like

No referncing involved, but the punch-in-the-nose immediately made me flash on that episode of "News Radio" where this really aggressively disagreaable client was causing distress for everyone at the station, gets fobbed off on Bill who just can't take this guy's hardassitude and, yep, decks him, rendering him stunned

The evolutionary leap comes from living on a planet crammed with 6.7 billion people and deciding you don't need to use making yet another one of us as a method of ego gratification.
Adoption's a good option if it's really about making a family or teaching your values or traditions to those who follow you or whatever

I curse you, mbs!

Ahh, there it is. But a shitty rock band probably has more places to play in Portland than NO, so it'll at least pay for all the cheap cheap heroin and the pricey nugs.

What's your BiL's shitty band's name?

I think these movies HH, Waterworld, Ishtar, Heaven's Gate, etc. earn these reputations almost entirely by their budget vs. box-office return ratio. Middlin' to mediocre movies comprise the rest of everything beyond the "there are only twelve good movies made every year" dictum. So when one of those not-of-the-twelve

Very little of worth. And in return, I give their new seasons about the same level of engagement that they give the issues they address. South Park is about as important as Aqua Teen now.
"Breast Show Ever" was a good ep, though.

Nixon ended Vietnam…a mere SEVEN YEARS after he announced he had a Secret Plan. "Oh, but first you'll have to elect me in '68…and again in '72."
Sound like anyone we know who ran this time?

All this talk of vote "shredding" seems to indicate the use of this material you call 'pay-pur' for your ballot? We've got state of the art machines here in LA (the 18th-C banana republic, not the plastic asshole of the world), so our votes won't be shredded.
They will just be stored on a register location that will be