
Well, what you have to understand is that Breaking Bad was written in a kind of obsolete vernacular…

Anyone else listen to the amazing 100th episode of Nerdist Writer's Panel?  Mike Schur was on and mentioned the AV Club!  Specifically, he said that he felt that Pawnee Rangers was one of the best episodes that Parks ever did and then went on AV Club and saw a B-.  He then thanked Heisler (though not by name) for

I was almost tempted to listen to this one since Moore can be interesting and the review was good.  Seeing these comments makes me feel okay with just deleting.

I thought the new Analyze Phish was decent.  They had live call-ins which added a nice new twist.  And Nabin acquitted himself well too.

"Taylor Schilling finally lives up to the many, many attempts Hollywood has made at making her happen"


I love this one too.  Like Marah, my favorite song mode is "upbeat tune, downbeat lyrics".  Plus they put so much beauty into it.  "Want a little light but who’s going to save a little light for me?"

Simmons is okay, but he picks one or two theories and harps on them in every podcast.  His analysis is pretty surface level and has too much "this team wants it more" in it.  Also, I have to skip any podcast involving Jalen Rose, as I can't stand him (thus eliminating a lot of the BS Reports).

I really enjoyed that episode too.  I think the addition of a guest is helpful.  While Todd intentionally annoying Libby can be fun, it is difficult to keep things fresh with only two people.  Most podcasts similar to this one that I enjoy have three people, which offers enough varying perspectives to be interesting

Does anyone have a good basketball podcast that they listen to?  I've tried The Basketball Jones (not for me) and CBS's Eye on Basketball (Okay when they are actually talking about the game in a substantive way and not complaining about straw men or trying to be funny), but have yet to find anything that matches up

Ah, I see what you are getting at, especially since many movies of this type have the twist character not behaving in a way they would.  Based on my memory, I don't think they commit this sin, given that virtually all of his scenes are with Laurent.

While I mostly enjoyed the movie, the constantly swirling camera during the action-y portions annoyed me greatly.  Just what I want from a trip to the movies, a headache and no sense of what the hell is happening!

If you like a good twist, I recommend seeing something else.

Yep, pretty much the exact twist you are expecting the whole movie.

I thought the movie was decent for the reasons stated in the main part of this review (slick, fast-paced action, solid work from the cast), but am shocked that Dowd found the final twist interesting in any way.  The movie portrays all the characters in such broad strokes that any of them could be the man in charge and

Sadly that is exactly how the film plays.  Ruffalo is the put-upon, skeptical cop that is hunting these crazy illusionists and is generally a drag the whole time.  The final twist adds nothing to the movie since Ruffalo's character has been such a bore the whole movie that the final reveal lands with a thud.

Also my favorite moment.  The entire movie is near-perfect, but that moment encapsulates all the beauty and heartbreak of relationships (and life).  Really making me want to do a rewatch.

I always feel rather conflicted about Payne.  He does seem to be pointing and laughing at the rubes sometimes, but it's never quite that simple.  Even Randall in About Schmidt (who may be the worst example of this), ultimately seems like a decent person who Schmidt is being unfair to.  I think the depth of

If these rumors are true and it's Colton + Redemption Island, I will have to think seriously about whether I really want to watch this one.  May just use the time to watch an old season or something.  Unbelievable.

I'm with you on being amazed by Cirie.  I started watching these with Heroes vs. Villains, so I knew she had a reputation, but hadn't really been able to see what she could do.  She is a master in Micronesia.  Is Panama worth watching to see her first season?