
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That is intriguing, because I thought there were moments they were verging on too much exposition from Cumberbatch.  After they realize something is wrong and go to get the full scoop from him, Cumberbatch gets to talk for what felt like a good five minutes or more about

That was my first thought too.  Season 2 is great, but 3 is right up there with it in my mind.

I wonder how many people read Carrie's write-up.  I rarely ever see anyone commenting about what she says.

They did fish last season in the same location.  I recall Penner giving away his tribe's rice on the promise that he would fish and get them some food.  Cue the sad, goofy music and video of Penner standing around in the water for hours.

That look said to me "Am I awake right now?"

Thanks @JudgeReinhold:disqus .  Looks like longevity is a pretty strong factor here.  I might have thought Malcolm's noisemaking moves would put him higher, but presumably five favorites that outlasted him will pull ahead of him (assuming Dawn is on the right side of a vote in the finale).

I think that doing the selfish thing was the right move here.  The other four might have been upset (particularly Sherri), but then again they didn't win the challenge.  So I think they rationalize and don't hold it against Brenda too much.  To the extent that it does annoy them, it probably helps Brenda because now

Why on earth would Philip vote for Eddie?  If he was mad over his blindside, which was caused by the Amigos, wouldn't he vote for anyone other than Eddie?

@avclub-c7684d43035cba8fe351d14a41209dc5:disqus the main thing I remember about Dawn from South Pacific was something exactly like this.  She felt bad about how Cochran was being treated and considered flipping with him.  She even cried about the behavior of her tribe.  Then she won immunity and suddenly her tribe

I'm not convinced that choosing yourself is an automatic vote-out.  I wouldn't mind sitting in the final three with someone who denied a few jurors their family visit.  And in this particular case, you are also helping Dawn - which could have been helpful for Brenda's game.

I was thinking that could be useful too.  Would be informative to see how much of a boost Malcolm's idol play got him over the longevity of other players.

Wow - that was my first episode too.  I pressed on for some reason even though it was several more weeks before I understood what the hell was happening.

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!  Noel, you were the writer that really sucked me into the AV Club ten years ago and I'll miss your presence here.  I look forward to seeing your work in the upcoming project.

This should be a For Our Consideration.  I've found this with myself (only I often don't really come back, so it's not so much a break as a break-up).  I enjoyed a number of comic podcasts initially (WTF, Sklarbro, Smartest Man), but after about a year I got tired of them.  With WTF, I could blame the fact that Marc

One quick clarification to the above: I don't want to give the impression that I hate this season.  I haven't liked it, but I haven't disliked it either. Each episode just kind of comes and goes.

It's absolutely a personal thing but I want to finish out the season (only a couple more episodes anyway, right?).  Part of the problem is exactly what you state - it's FILLED with references and scenarios similar to Seasons 1-3.  Everything is an imitation of what someone who watched some of Community's best episodes

I have to say that it didn't work for me either and I have to start wondering if I can ever like a post-Harmon episode of Community.  I'm just not sure I can fairly evaluate it, which bums me out since this was one of my favorite shows in its first few seasons.

This was the first thing I thought too.  Donald Glover's Abed was great, but Danny Pudi didn't seem to really have a handle on Troy.  I see commenters above saying that is because Abed doesn't really get people, which makes sense, but my initial reaction was that Pudi couldn't really do Troy, so he laid on a

I eat peanut butter virtually every day and can't stand disgusting, wobbly-ass mayo, so I'm hoping that earns me a decent rank in @FuriousGiorge:disqus 's army.

I also think that there is a bit of room to maneuver here for whichever one of the Bros survive the first elimination next week.  An alliance of six could be difficult to pick apart (unless everyone agrees Sherri or Brenda is on the bottom), but picking up the stray at seven could make things go smoother.