
I would agree that would be glacial (though I loved Assassination), but I would most definitely not characterize Killing Them Softly that way.  There are a lot of talky scenes, but something is always happening and there are a number of scenes with either violence or nearly unbearable tension.  Slow is a word I would

I have to admit that it's been awhile, but I always loved this movie.  I'm a bit of a sucker for a movie that depicts a moral dilemma well (love Shattered Glass and Man For All Seasons as well).  Fiennes does a great job at showing how easy it is to become more and more complicit in something (particularly when you've

Is Jeff Garlin's show being covered by Podmass?  I enjoyed his chat with Larry David, but it has rapidly become clear that the show is extremely dependent on the guest.  Mitchell Hurwitz created a great TV show once upon a time, but Garlin's refusal to roll with Hurwitz's suggestions did not work for me.  This Will

I'm still languishing near the bottom - here's hoping Michael can somehow turn this thing around with a Cochran team up!

Also pretty good - Aziz on Fifty Cent.  "What does Fifty Cent do when he sees a grapefruit?  (looks around shiftily) What's up with those oranges?"

I'm with @avclub-080acdcce72c06873a773c4311c2e464:disqus on this one.  There was fear in the eyes of some of the contestants.  The appropriate action was immediately pulling him from the game (since they didn't do the appropriate thing and not bring him back at all).

I had the same thought in the moment.  At least based on what they showed us, it seemed like Phillip was being Phillip, which you could imagine being a bit irritating.  But Andrea blew the whole thing up.  Brandon was clearly teetering and then Andrea went and pushed him off the ledge.  Disgusting.

Completely agree.  I wondered if production would have to step in and pull him.  This is the kind of stuff that gets you kicked off Real World or The Challenge and yet Survivor sinks to its lowest by giving a mentally ill individual lots of airtime to rant and threaten and possibly have Brandon try to physically

Given that the non-challenge time this season has been dominated by Shamar, Phillip and Brandon acting crazy or annoying - no, I most definitely do not want to see more of both camps.

Agreed - I assumed a successful use was one that prevented the player from being sent home.

This is my complaint with Survivor every week though.  I would prefer a less surprising show that allowed more analysis of strategy.  CBS must have focus groups or something that say this would lead to lower ratings though.

You are not a Breaking Bad watcher I take it.

This is pretty stupid (naturally), but here is what I think the writers would say - They loaded Joe into the transport, then the FBI and US Marshalls went to their vehicles.  At this point, the warden (possibly - or probably aided by a couple other personnel from the jail) opened the transport up and got Carroll out

This is a great idea.  I'll pick Cochran, Michael, Andrea, and Laura.  Winner gets 5 votes.

Just in Season 2 there was Psychology of Letting Go dealt with the death of Pierce's mother (and death in general), Mixology which you mentioned, Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons had the gang trying to cheer someone up that they thought was on the verge of suicide, Critical Film Studies

It depends on your cable/satellite.  I also get Walking Dead early because AMCHD is the East Cost feed, so if something airs at 9pm there, I get it at 6pm.  FX, however, is just the normal West Coast scheduling, so it starts at 10pm - just like on the East Coast.

Right with you on the dislike of the ending.  I also was semi-surprised (but not completely) by the twist, but everything that followed was terrible (and largely expected coming after that twist).

Right with you on the dislike of the ending.  I also was semi-surprised (but not completely) by the twist, but everything that followed was terrible (and largely expected coming after that twist).

I sort of wondered if this was meant to be a shot at The Following (though as you point out, it could easily apply to many other CBS dramas).

I had the same thought about the aftermath.  Aunt engaged in a custody battle suddenly disappears at the same time as the younger girl is going to attract some serious attention.