
Completely agree @avclub-dd4b0c469c5da3d225bc29b22e4128c1:disqus .  I was a bit tired when I saw this, which I have found is not optimal for an atmospheric horror movie like this one, but that ending knocked me out.  I got emotional as well, particularly since "jaded person learns to care" is a favorite storyline and

I have no idea why they are bringing Brandon back.  Is there some non-AV Club contingent of viewers that like him?  Hard to imagine.

I have no idea why they are bringing Brandon back.  Is there some non-AV Club contingent of viewers that like him?  Hard to imagine.

I guess I'm going to be a major outlier here, but I walked away thinking this jury was not excessively bitter.  Artis obviously was and Malcolm was disappointingly (though understandbly) so, but who else?  Carter was fine, Kent, RC, Pete, and (most shockingly) Abi-Maria were all okay.  Penner is his own category since

I guess I'm going to be a major outlier here, but I walked away thinking this jury was not excessively bitter.  Artis obviously was and Malcolm was disappointingly (though understandbly) so, but who else?  Carter was fine, Kent, RC, Pete, and (most shockingly) Abi-Maria were all okay.  Penner is his own category since

Okay, maybe rant was too much, but I (much like Adam) could not fathom his position on that one (though I have since heard it from someone else).  And I think that you got at why I like Josh more, his perspective seems different enough from Adam to keep things interesting.

Okay, maybe rant was too much, but I (much like Adam) could not fathom his position on that one (though I have since heard it from someone else).  And I think that you got at why I like Josh more, his perspective seems different enough from Adam to keep things interesting.

I prefer Josh to Matty.  Matty got over the top and I seem to find myself thinking that Josh makes interesting points a lot more than I ever did with Matty.  With you 100% on the Phillips love though.  I think Josh is usually great (though his Argo rant was bizarrely misplaced), but the hosts seem to step their game

I prefer Josh to Matty.  Matty got over the top and I seem to find myself thinking that Josh makes interesting points a lot more than I ever did with Matty.  With you 100% on the Phillips love though.  I think Josh is usually great (though his Argo rant was bizarrely misplaced), but the hosts seem to step their game

The interesting thing is that WTF didn't top anyone's individual list.  I think this is just a fundamental problem with trying to do a master list for podcasts. The amount of content is so vast that you will inevitably end up with the most widely-listened to, sorta liked stuff at the top.  A few reviewers have a

The interesting thing is that WTF didn't top anyone's individual list.  I think this is just a fundamental problem with trying to do a master list for podcasts. The amount of content is so vast that you will inevitably end up with the most widely-listened to, sorta liked stuff at the top.  A few reviewers have a

I think your problem with Hardwick and Holmes is that they seem to equate being loud and obnoxious with being funny.  A quality that has always made it hard for me to like either one of them.

I think your problem with Hardwick and Holmes is that they seem to equate being loud and obnoxious with being funny.  A quality that has always made it hard for me to like either one of them.

Hit the nail on the head here.  I guess I would also be interested in the criteria that the reviewers used to make their lists.  Is it just which podcasts they looked forward to the most?  Is there any thought to how the current year of the podcast stacks up to prior years?  Obviously not everyone will share my

Hit the nail on the head here.  I guess I would also be interested in the criteria that the reviewers used to make their lists.  Is it just which podcasts they looked forward to the most?  Is there any thought to how the current year of the podcast stacks up to prior years?  Obviously not everyone will share my

Completely agree.  Plus, the bonus for me was seeing Gerard Depardieu show up as the cook and thinking "He wouldn't sign up to this movie for one 30 second scene".  So for a while I was waiting for the flashback to kick in so he would have a larger role.  When it never did, I was surprised on two levels.

Completely agree.  Plus, the bonus for me was seeing Gerard Depardieu show up as the cook and thinking "He wouldn't sign up to this movie for one 30 second scene".  So for a while I was waiting for the flashback to kick in so he would have a larger role.  When it never did, I was surprised on two levels.

Absolutely agree on how gorgeous it is.  Saw this at the Arclight in San Diego and it was stunning - the best 3D use I've seen by far, with images so transcendent, I think a non-3D viewing would be pretty stunning too (if 3D gives you headaches).

Absolutely agree on how gorgeous it is.  Saw this at the Arclight in San Diego and it was stunning - the best 3D use I've seen by far, with images so transcendent, I think a non-3D viewing would be pretty stunning too (if 3D gives you headaches).

It's interesting, because I drew the same parallel with Invention of Lying when I saw the movie, but didn't get that same message from the book (though I hadn't seen Lying at that point).  When I read the book, I went with the ending on the level of "the fantastical (story and religion) makes life better by being more