
Why does Rabin say that "
with the exception of his rare, dramatic disorder, it’s easy to believe"?  Birbiglia actually has this affliction, right?  So then why is it hard to believe that his character has it?

I remember being blown away by that on first viewing.  Knowing the rhythms of television, it seems like the season will end with this out of character heart-warming moment, but then we get the real story.  So good.

I remember being blown away by that on first viewing.  Knowing the rhythms of television, it seems like the season will end with this out of character heart-warming moment, but then we get the real story.  So good.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus Interesting take.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus Interesting take.

It seems pretty clear to me that Buster made it up and Tony Wonder liked it so much he went with it, given that GOB starts to say something like, "You can't just make up…"

It seems pretty clear to me that Buster made it up and Tony Wonder liked it so much he went with it, given that GOB starts to say something like, "You can't just make up…"

@avclub-56f1a09566bc388a65b3007a201f0ff5:disqus Agreed that Ryan and Greenwald have decent chemistry, though I never get the impression that Fienberg dislikes Sepinwall (or vice versa).  Was just saying that I find neither to be funny though they each seem to think otherwise.  I guess I'm saying I want a Sepinwall and

@avclub-56f1a09566bc388a65b3007a201f0ff5:disqus Agreed that Ryan and Greenwald have decent chemistry, though I never get the impression that Fienberg dislikes Sepinwall (or vice versa).  Was just saying that I find neither to be funny though they each seem to think otherwise.  I guess I'm saying I want a Sepinwall and

During the playoffs this year, I was in search of a good NBA podcast and gave The Basketball Jones a listen.  Holy shit was that terrible.  Is the idea to just have 10 guys in a room talk over each other making horribly unfunny jokes?

During the playoffs this year, I was in search of a good NBA podcast and gave The Basketball Jones a listen.  Holy shit was that terrible.  Is the idea to just have 10 guys in a room talk over each other making horribly unfunny jokes?

Agreed - though I'll mostly stick up for Season 4 of The OC.  Ryan cage-fighting!

Agreed - though I'll mostly stick up for Season 4 of The OC.  Ryan cage-fighting!

Sad to say, I've seen the whole first season of this show and could never understand how anyone could root for LC (mainly for the reasons noted above - her blandness, her inability to take action to get what she wants).  Kristin wins all the way - the only problem is that Stephen is not worth winning.  Anyway, watched

Sad to say, I've seen the whole first season of this show and could never understand how anyone could root for LC (mainly for the reasons noted above - her blandness, her inability to take action to get what she wants).  Kristin wins all the way - the only problem is that Stephen is not worth winning.  Anyway, watched

Completely agree.  The AV Club always impresses me, but this article could have been a list on any random crappy website with the way it bashes solid films, lauds mediocre ones, and writes the rest of the article by regurgitating conventional wisdom.  I guess I should just be happy that this is the first time

Completely agree.  The AV Club always impresses me, but this article could have been a list on any random crappy website with the way it bashes solid films, lauds mediocre ones, and writes the rest of the article by regurgitating conventional wisdom.  I guess I should just be happy that this is the first time

I was in the same boat the first time I saw this and was blown away.  So hilarious, so depressing.

I was in the same boat the first time I saw this and was blown away.  So hilarious, so depressing.

I remember thinking the first time I watched it that the whole thing started with Simon's "unforseeable" quote, but watching it again last night, I was struck more by how it seems that this was always going to happen.  I got the sense (as one does if they read about how this played out in reality) that forces in DC