
I remember thinking the first time I watched it that the whole thing started with Simon's "unforseeable" quote, but watching it again last night, I was struck more by how it seems that this was always going to happen.  I got the sense (as one does if they read about how this played out in reality) that forces in DC

All hail the return of TVOTI!!  And one of my (few) pet peeves about the show - Todd and Libby beating up straw men - was minimized this episode.  Libby even sort-of tried to rationalize Skyler hate (not an easy thing to do)!  Well done all around!  And is there any way we can get Caspar Babypants to write a theme

All hail the return of TVOTI!!  And one of my (few) pet peeves about the show - Todd and Libby beating up straw men - was minimized this episode.  Libby even sort-of tried to rationalize Skyler hate (not an easy thing to do)!  Well done all around!  And is there any way we can get Caspar Babypants to write a theme

I loved this!  To follow up the Newsroom people working on a Saturday because Bigfoot!  Now they party on a Sunday night so they can all be together and Will can get high before the Bin Laden announcement.  Amazing.

I loved this!  To follow up the Newsroom people working on a Saturday because Bigfoot!  Now they party on a Sunday night so they can all be together and Will can get high before the Bin Laden announcement.  Amazing.

Bold choice - Life Aquatic as favorite Anderson.  Recently rewatched and was struck anew by its brilliance.  And that scene in the sub makes my eyes go watery every time.

@avclub-52debcf2062897c067b0781c8e018a07:disqus I'm curious how recently you've seen Batman Begins.  I've seen a lot of praise for it (with respect to the latest) and might have agreed, had I not rewatched just prior to seeing Rises.  I'd forgotten how jokey so much of it is, what a drag Katie Holmes is, and how

Based on the rest of your list, I need to see Battle of Algiers immediately.

What does Michael Lewis miss the point of in Liar's Poker?  It's explicitly an indictment of the actions of the investment banker (and for my money Lewis's best book by a wide margin).

What does Michael Lewis miss the point of in Liar's Poker?  It's explicitly an indictment of the actions of the investment banker (and for my money Lewis's best book by a wide margin).

I would like to use this as a guide to given my failed attempt at watching the series about four years ago.  I think I made it through six episodes and only recall the pilot actually holding my interest.

I would like to use this as a guide to given my failed attempt at watching the series about four years ago.  I think I made it through six episodes and only recall the pilot actually holding my interest.

I definitely didn't rage-quit The League, I just forgot about it.  Looking through my DVR recordings in April, I saw that I never watched the December aired last two episodes of the most recent season and I had zero desire too.  It's a shame because I like nearly all the performers, Mantzoukas's Raffi is brilliant and

I definitely didn't rage-quit The League, I just forgot about it.  Looking through my DVR recordings in April, I saw that I never watched the December aired last two episodes of the most recent season and I had zero desire too.  It's a shame because I like nearly all the performers, Mantzoukas's Raffi is brilliant and

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus Insomnia was recently on Netflix Watch Instantly, so I gave it another watch and really liked it.  Lots of trademark Nolan themes of obsession and flawed protagonists and Pacino is great at starting tired and devolving into haggard.  For me, Following is the one I need

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus Insomnia was recently on Netflix Watch Instantly, so I gave it another watch and really liked it.  Lots of trademark Nolan themes of obsession and flawed protagonists and Pacino is great at starting tired and devolving into haggard.  For me, Following is the one I need

Okay, time to hurry on to what this was inevitably going to turn into: Nolan movie ranking time!

Okay, time to hurry on to what this was inevitably going to turn into: Nolan movie ranking time!

We are kindred spirits on this.  I watched season 3 week to week from halfway through and my list would be very similar (though I would probably replace Fly with Four Days Out).

We are kindred spirits on this.  I watched season 3 week to week from halfway through and my list would be very similar (though I would probably replace Fly with Four Days Out).