
If you don't want to cheat, I think you have to go with Full Measure, as that kicks off the plot for season four, but I do think Half Measures is a slightly better episode for the reasons mentioned by everyone else.  Plus compromise is such a strong theme for the series as a whole, that it's portrait of the

If you don't want to cheat, I think you have to go with Full Measure, as that kicks off the plot for season four, but I do think Half Measures is a slightly better episode for the reasons mentioned by everyone else.  Plus compromise is such a strong theme for the series as a whole, that it's portrait of the

I think I would replace "Fly" with "Full Measure".  The events there reverberate throughout season 4 and it's a great episode to boot (though if we were doing favorite episodes, I'd go with "Half Measures" instead - when I rewatched I was shocked by how they went all in with the theme by showing nearly every character

I think I would replace "Fly" with "Full Measure".  The events there reverberate throughout season 4 and it's a great episode to boot (though if we were doing favorite episodes, I'd go with "Half Measures" instead - when I rewatched I was shocked by how they went all in with the theme by showing nearly every character

I can already see this episode being very divisive here, but I'm with you.  I chuckled intermittently throughout, but was never all that engaged.  I love Wittels and the first version is classic, but I couldn't get into this.

I can already see this episode being very divisive here, but I'm with you.  I chuckled intermittently throughout, but was never all that engaged.  I love Wittels and the first version is classic, but I couldn't get into this.

Yeah, I hate people who try to do their own thing fashion-wise.

Yeah, I hate people who try to do their own thing fashion-wise.

@avclub-2c7c5c2ed402156763866cf9faa857bd:disqus wish I could enjoy it on that level, but I've never been able to take Dana Stevens seriously since she started doing the Spoiler Specials podcast (which is a great idea) and never had any clue what had happened in the movie she was reviewing.  Combine that with Metcalf

@avclub-2c7c5c2ed402156763866cf9faa857bd:disqus wish I could enjoy it on that level, but I've never been able to take Dana Stevens seriously since she started doing the Spoiler Specials podcast (which is a great idea) and never had any clue what had happened in the movie she was reviewing.  Combine that with Metcalf

I really enjoy the Political Gabfest.  I've been listening for years and usually political podcasts grate on me after a few months at most.  They usually have interesting perspectives and are well-informed without wearing out their hobbyhorses too much.

I really enjoy the Political Gabfest.  I've been listening for years and usually political podcasts grate on me after a few months at most.  They usually have interesting perspectives and are well-informed without wearing out their hobbyhorses too much.

I think Doug achieved perfection with this one.  I just hope that someone took video and it will be released some day.

I think Doug achieved perfection with this one.  I just hope that someone took video and it will be released some day.

Totally agree.  I listened to a few Judge podcasts and then had to stop.  I had always found Hodgman funny until this podcast.  The format does not work for me at all.  Though I suppose he should get props for trying something different.

Totally agree.  I listened to a few Judge podcasts and then had to stop.  I had always found Hodgman funny until this podcast.  The format does not work for me at all.  Though I suppose he should get props for trying something different.

I love 28 Weeks Later!  One of the best sequels made, in my book.  Pre-superstar Jeremy Renner, Harold Perrineau, Idris Elba - a great setting, and that score.  It still randomly pops into my head.

I love 28 Weeks Later!  One of the best sequels made, in my book.  Pre-superstar Jeremy Renner, Harold Perrineau, Idris Elba - a great setting, and that score.  It still randomly pops into my head.

I watched Horrible Bosses about a week ago and remember zero funny lines that weren't in the trailer.  That said, I always enjoy watching Charlie Day and the line about Aniston eating foods in a weird order always makes me laugh

I watched Horrible Bosses about a week ago and remember zero funny lines that weren't in the trailer.  That said, I always enjoy watching Charlie Day and the line about Aniston eating foods in a weird order always makes me laugh