
Ah, I hadn't picked up on the alternating schedule.  Glad to hear that Libby is an OKC fan - they are a lot of fun to watch.

Ah, I hadn't picked up on the alternating schedule.  Glad to hear that Libby is an OKC fan - they are a lot of fun to watch.

I'm endlessly fascinated by the number of culprits being indicted for these last two losses (which they lost by a total of ten points and had a chance to win going into the final minutes).  It's Westbrook shooting too much, it's Harden's problems on offense, it's Brooks' lineups, it's the refs, it's the free throw

I'm endlessly fascinated by the number of culprits being indicted for these last two losses (which they lost by a total of ten points and had a chance to win going into the final minutes).  It's Westbrook shooting too much, it's Harden's problems on offense, it's Brooks' lineups, it's the refs, it's the free throw

That was the first character that sprung to mind for me too.  I agree that the Stamford crew served that purpose as well, but so did most of the office employees at that point.  By season 5, Minor was a man on an island.

That was the first character that sprung to mind for me too.  I agree that the Stamford crew served that purpose as well, but so did most of the office employees at that point.  By season 5, Minor was a man on an island.

Just rewatched tonight and I was surprised to find that I like it more than I remember.  Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums will probably always edge it out, but I really love this one too (and definitely the most underrated - people seem to barely mention it).

Totally agree @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus .  I fell asleep during Two Towers.  Couldn't stand all the dumb jokes about the dwarf being short (haha, he thinks he's a great warrior) and was never fooled by any of the 50 characters who are each presumed dead at some point.

Totally agree @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus .  I fell asleep during Two Towers.  Couldn't stand all the dumb jokes about the dwarf being short (haha, he thinks he's a great warrior) and was never fooled by any of the 50 characters who are each presumed dead at some point.

If your tastes are like mine, you'll be better off reading something else by Haruki Murakami.  I liked 1Q84 at times, but the entire third book should have only been 20-50 pages long.  Even the first two parts felt stretched a bit to me.

If your tastes are like mine, you'll be better off reading something else by Haruki Murakami.  I liked 1Q84 at times, but the entire third book should have only been 20-50 pages long.  Even the first two parts felt stretched a bit to me.

Like Todd, I think I would go with 2,4,5,1,3, though I think the second half of 3 is quite good.  In particular, Guy Walks Into an Ad Agency, Souvenir, and The Gypsy and The Hobo (as well as Shut the Door) have all really stuck with me.

Like Todd, I think I would go with 2,4,5,1,3, though I think the second half of 3 is quite good.  In particular, Guy Walks Into an Ad Agency, Souvenir, and The Gypsy and The Hobo (as well as Shut the Door) have all really stuck with me.

I look forward to this feature every week.  It lets me know which Doug Loves Movies eps to listen to (and I'll listen to 50% of the You Made it Weird's that get Bested) and the comments are always fun.

I look forward to this feature every week.  It lets me know which Doug Loves Movies eps to listen to (and I'll listen to 50% of the You Made it Weird's that get Bested) and the comments are always fun.

@avclub-cd4e651a08c8504d50cc18e7fa79264c:disqus Wow - I just did a search for Tim Duncan in The Onion and I hadn't realized how many articles they had done on him (for the record, 31 with his name in the headline, and the earliest one seems to be in 2007 - can any other athlete compete with that?).  Hilarious.

@avclub-cd4e651a08c8504d50cc18e7fa79264c:disqus Wow - I just did a search for Tim Duncan in The Onion and I hadn't realized how many articles they had done on him (for the record, 31 with his name in the headline, and the earliest one seems to be in 2007 - can any other athlete compete with that?).  Hilarious.

No one makes me bleed my own blood!

No one makes me bleed my own blood!

This is why I never looked at the Angel comics.  The ending is too perfect.  I did the same thing with the Eternal Sunshine and Shield comics.