
This is why I never looked at the Angel comics.  The ending is too perfect.  I did the same thing with the Eternal Sunshine and Shield comics.

I thought it was commonly understood that season 2 is the best.  Season 1 is great, a classic, but Season 2 takes things even further and funnier.

I thought it was commonly understood that season 2 is the best.  Season 1 is great, a classic, but Season 2 takes things even further and funnier.

@avclub-35f6b1b7fc4a00c856bfc7882ee43b38:disqus Just read that script and….wow….I thought the movie ending was bleak, but that was insane.  Some elements in there seem too goofy and some they probably couldn't do for budget reasons, but if they had filmed that it would have made an already weird movie pushed to the

@avclub-776e9111d31a090979dd9fc5f382651c:disqus Absolutely.  Gondry's filmography has roughly the same trajectory as M Night Shymalan's.  Human Nature was okay (interesting, inventive, but flawed).  Eternal Sunshine - brilliant.  Science of Sleep - solid.  Be Kind Rewind - an interesting premise with execution that

I couldn't disagree more about the lack of acknowledgment about the negative possibilities of the ending.  Each time I watch it, I walk away with a slightly different interpretation of the ending (including what you don't find at all).  Kaufman wrote an ending where we see Joel and Clementine decades later and they

I love St. Vincent, but I agree with @avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus .  If I want to listen to indie rock, I will.  So, to adjust his metaphor above, replace Book of Mormon with the soundtrack for the Book of Mormon (musical).  I enjoy it, but wouldn't want it to randomly interrupt something else.

I also find it impossible that someone would not like someone who generally seems to be loud and obnoxious and constantly spouting catchphrases.

This seems about right.  I was shocked to find the Handler episode in The Best, because it seemed totally forgettable to me.  After it was over I tried to recall what exactly was said over the course of the hour plus podcast.  She's kind of a nice person to her family was about all I could come up with.

I think @avclub-2b2716118bfadd3c7fa4f847898b455d:disqus just came up with a new title for the Slate Culture Gabfest.  "Hello and welcome to another edition of Unbearably Smug with me, Mr. Unbearable himself, Stephen Metcalf"

I'm afraid this is what I was yelling through most of this.  Usually it's just Keith with the mumble then laugh loudly cadence (and the much commented Nathan whispering), but even Kyle and Scott (who have never had this issue before) had problems here.  I really want to listen to these podcasts as I enjoy the thoughts

Cannot like this enough.

So, after pulling the podcast for several months to switch from a single issue per episode format to go to a multiple topic format, we are now losing it again for a couple months to switch back?  Okay - just bring it back!  I enjoy the back and forth that we get so rarely in the written form of the AV Club.

I loved the first three Stillman films, but Damsels grated on me.  I laughed at odd moments and loved seeing Gerwig dance, but the whole thing felt off to me.  Partially I couldn't relate to the Damsels (though that was alleviated somewhat over the course of the film) and partially I was annoyed by the airheadedness

I saw Before Sunset before I saw Before Sunrise and it floored me.  Hawke and Delpy feel like they've really lived in these characters and the cinematography is gorgeous. And that ending (Spoiler, I guess):

The only appropriate Wire season ranking is X, X, X, 2, 5.  I love seasons 1, 3, and 4 and would be hard pressed to choose between them (though I might put 1 at the bottom of the three since The Wire gained power over time).

This episode was the first one I watched live (having seen all the others on DVD) and I loved it.  From the opening Burroughs narration through Tony being shot, Chase came back with a stellar episode.  Even though I would have been hard pressed to even tell you who Eugene was prior to this, his death ranks pretty high

@avclub-84f9e7d729107289d35152b4262e2b53:disqus haha.  I love that idea.

Yes, self-explanatory.  It makes perfect sense that a weak guy who has already been stabbed in the back easily dismembered a strong zombie quite a bit larger than him.  How could I have even questioned that?

Agreed about the oversight of having no camera in that elevator area.  That bothered me a bit too, but I suppose some of these small things have to be let go in service of getting the plot to great places.