
A couple of questions for Todd:

Worst Tom Hanks: Betty White in Hot In Cleveland

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who remembers Unger on The Daily Show.  I also expected big things from him after that, but he seems to mostly do commercials.

I believe that is where the phrase "instant reflexes" comes in…

I love all five of the series discussed, so I don't have too much to add on that side of things, but that Erik Adams is a quality host and a snappy dresser to boot.  Let's get him more involved in these AV Videos!

This is mostly true (though you would have to swap the spouse who drinks heavily), but it's hard for me to imagine Coach letting himself get into a situation like Sandy did with his co-worker.  Part of this is just how sex was handled in a much more serious way in Friday Night Lights than in the OC, but it is a key

It's been a bit since I watched it, but I'm always a bit mystified as well.  I could see how Oliver became annoying towards the end of that arc, but the New Year's episode was good and I love his introduction.  He meets Marissa in therapy and is kind of charming but definitely has the crazy eyes and it gave me that

Not sure how many times this needs to be said, but Jim was not correct in any way.  Cochran had a 0% chance of winning by sticking with his tribe.  If he somehow miraculously made it to the final three with them (which I find rather implausible), he would have had no argument for the win since he would have won zero

Maybe not the best place for this discussion, but here goes.  AMERICAN HORROR STORY SPOILERS  The living people who are involved are generally not killers and/or are idiots.  The only one excluded from this category is burn-faced man who is in love with Constance.  I had the thought that the ghosts should kill her,

I just finished it a couple days ago and largely agree with this review.  I have pretty much loved all of the Murakami I have read before now (Sputnik Sweetheart being my favorite), but this one really landed with a thud for me.  I am tempted to blame the translation or question my earlier opinions on his work as this

If only this message had run in front of the screening of Young Adult I saw yesterday, then maybe the texter who repeatedly used her phone during the screening and even had the gall to ask her seatmate about a joke she missed because of said texting, would have refrained from making me entertain homicidal thoughts.

Aliens not smart?  I guess you can make that argument, but I was struck on rewatching it how much interesting thematic material is there, given the 80s action movie trappings.  It's basically a movie length explication of Ripley's post-traumatic stress disorder, with Newt serving as the human core of herself she's

I agree.  Loved this episode.  Schwartz is always hilarious and Nealon contributes well to the show.  I was mentally comparing their approach to the Jennifer Tilly character to the Mantzoukas/Daly episode from a couple weeks ago.  In the Daly ep, Mantzoukas and Aukerman kept prodding and pushing the character which

Aaron, where have you been shopping?  The current iPad ranges from $500 to $829, add $50 and you are way above most "equivalent" laptops (never mind that there are no equivalent laptops because all other laptops would let you do what you want, rather than restrict you to what Apple wants you to do).  You could also

My issue with that scene was Noel's big point above - the unnecessary destruction of something valuable.  Phil could have easily dropped the card or tossed it to Manny, but instead he destroys it for no reason.  The Christmas tree I was fine with and while Haley's deception made me cringe a bit, it was in keeping with

One caveat to 1) - if you have a mix, make it something like 50/50.  Two returning players = severely unbalanced season.

Prior to this episode, the only interesting thing to come out of a family visit was seeing how uber-competitive Mrs. Russel Hantz is.  The perfect match.  Seeing Brandon's dad is the same way makes me wish I could see what their Thanksgiving meal was like.

I didn't care much for Shutter Island, but I saw a screening of this last night and loved it.  Scorsese uses 3D to great effect and the story compellingly argues for the power and joy of movies.  I think most people I saw it with enjoyed it too.  The trailer I saw looked terrible and the movie does have a couple of

It's funny because I just pictured Franzen as Chip, but since I don't know how well he can act, McGregor will do.

I mostly agree that Extra Hot Great is top notch - the only thing I really dislike is the exact opposite of one of Hermann's positives - that there is enough disagreement.  They will disagree sometimes, but on certain topics (Community, Sorkin) they go down the hate drain.  I would love them to have a guest on with