
I enjoyed the episode quite a bit, as Daly is always strong and Mantzoukas is naturally funny, but I agree with the comments above.  I understand the principle behind the "Yes, and", but I know CBB has strayed from it at times and it might have helped here.  Jason kept pushing things farther and farther and it didn't

Considering the number of podcasts already covered by Podmass, I can't fault the writers for not getting to improv4humans in its first week.  I will agree that it is hilarious and definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys CBB.

Because Sandra wanted him gone?  Sandra was part of the minority alliance at that point.  Coach got voted out because the dumbass "Heroes" thought there was a women's alliance and some Villains wanted to get rid of Coach to further that notion (a great move considering what happened after that.

I believe that Matt came back (the second time) at 5, because I recall there being a ridiculously high eight people still in the game going into the final episode (four actually playing and four on RI)

Purple Kelly!  I think I will remain silent for the rest of the evening in her honor.

This is the point I made two weeks ago when Cochran flipped.  Sophie and Albert needed to make a move here.  They didn't, now it's Coach's game (barring the even more annoying possibility of Ozzy challenge winning to the end).  Fuck this season.

I will not be happy if Ozzy wins by playing a horrible game of Survivor.  And I would have liked to see Albert and Sophie knock out Coach and Brandon, but they just missed their chance tonight.  So I now completely lack a rooting interest in this season.

Huh.  You learn something new every day.  All the words listed here sound the same to me.

That is an interesting comparison.  I would argue that it's significantly different in that there are two players who kick the ball (punter and kicker) and punting and kickoffs are also integral to the game, so they do not just become important in a single situation.  There's also the fact that the field goal is worth

While I agree that Lost was largely rule-free, the occasions where they established something, I recall it remaining consistent.  I'm particularly thinking of their approach to death and time travel.

I guess I might have remembered that from Goblet.  And I did mean working on using their standing within the house races, but I didn't make that very clear.

The problem with the league standings idea is that (as far as I can recall) this never happens in the books.  No one mentions it, even though Hogwarts is a premier school.

Oh man, that episode.  Two moments get me, just thinking about them:

Buffy pretty much got me hooked on TV too.  I watched Sopranos on DVD and enjoyed it and Arrested Development was great, but Buffy was the first time that I really sat down and plowed through multiple seasons of a show in a matter of months.  Whedon really exploited the potential of the long form medium so well that I

Yeah, Craig, I get what you are saying about Connelly.  I guess I was mainly thinking of the podcast where Simmons tried to write off various stars (can't remember which ones….Tom Cruise?) as never having challenged themselves and Connelly calling bullshit.

The annoying thing to me is that it wasn't always like this.  Season 1's Comparative Religion handled the group's varying religions excellently and Shirley came to a certain acceptance in that episode.  Unfortunately, since then the writers have regressed Shirley to being intolerant again.

Yeah, some of the recent Simmons podcasts have really been difficult for me to listen to.  I probably should have taken your approach.

Just plain bad.  Zaltzman will occasionally make me laugh and when they put up portions of his gig in India I found it generally funny, but the only real draw of The Bugle for me is Oliver who is always hilarious.

Yes, he returned it to buy himself more time on his decision of whether or not to flip.  Once you are flipping everyone will know sooner or later, so it only made sense to give back the idol if he hadn't decided yet.  He should have decided earlier and kept it.  Savaii would have just as mad as they are now, but he

That was a a version of a Scarface quote.