
Saw this tonight at the San Diego Film Festival and in a Q&A afterward Reiser said that he didn't have a girlfriend who left him (or cheated on him) after his cancer diagnosis, but did have other close friends who did drop out of his life.  So why he had to demonize Howard's character is a separate question.

What really bothered me about this is that all the adults keep acting like Quinn dressing different is some major problem.  Dunking kids in toilets?  That's a problem.  Implying that you will keep her baby from her until she gets rid of her nosering?  Just despicable.  Whatever happened to acceptance Glee?

A big part of why I bailed on the series (aside from the convolutions of the story) was Jeanty's art.  I couldn't tell the difference between Oz and Andrew, Faith looked the same as a lot of the cannon fodder slayers, and no one looked very good.  May have to stay away until a new artist comes along.

Agreed.  That line landed with a huge thud for me.  Exactly the kind of eye-rolling obviousness that Noel mentions disliking.

Okay, Stephen, you don't like your co-host or the fact that we are ragging on you.  We get it.

Prime Suspect picked up over a third as many viewers as Community led off the night with (landing 6.05 million viewers)
Going to be the stickler here and point out that since Community got just under 4M viewers, just over a third of that would be 1.4M.  If you had worded it as "Prime Suspect" picked up over a third

60+????  That is a shitload of parents.

I was also pleasantly surprised.  I laughed quite a bit (the lengthy list of quotes Myles includes show part of the reason why) which is about all I feel I can expect from the show at this point.  It seems like Myles lowered the grade due to things he is worried will be an issue in the future rather than issues with

Totally agree - back when I listened to Spoiler Specials, my favorite episodes featured Kois, who would always call out Dana's incorrect recap of the film.  I like Rosen and Stevenson as well, so it makes it doubly irritating that Slate continues to employ Metcalf and Stevens and give them this platform.

That is one way to look at it, but I find myself getting extremely frustrated when someone paid to critically analyze a film has clearly not paid enough attention to it to even get basic plot details correct.  I love reading an analysis of a film that disagrees with my own if it is based on what is actually in the

Interesting.  I find the in-studio shows to be airless and kind of dead.  Of course this is not helped by the fact that in those episodes we frequently deal with Samm Levine's smug superiority.  It also drives me crazy when they make mistakes and the audience at the live shows usually immediately corrects those.

When I used to listen to the Culture Gabfest, I thought of Julia Turner as my oasis of intelligent, reasonable thought.  Metcalfe's shortcomings have been well analyzed above, but Dana Stevens lost me with her Spoiler Special podcasts.  I love the concept (and wish the AV Club would discuss spoilers in their podcast -

Illinois grad here and the Crazy Game of Poker reference really takes me back.  Many a drunken night spent hearing that song - and this was 3-4 years after its initial release.

Here, here!  When I saw that they were going to talk about Drive it was almost enough to get me to listen, but I knew that it would cause my eyes to go blank with rage so I skipped it.

Exactly what I thought was happening Shada.  I thought Coach revealed the Mikayla thing to both make Stacey and Christine have to deny it (which they did in a way that every Survivor about to get voted off does) and to solidify his plan.  He knew Brandon was trying to derail it and calling it out in the open made sure

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but is there any way to even out the sound on these?  I usually listen while driving and Keith is typically so quiet that I have to turn the volume up pretty loud to hear him - which then causes everyone else speaking in normal tones to sound really loud and destroys my hearing

Completely agreed.  I didn't love New Girl, but I think I did laugh a time or two and I never thought about turning it off before it was over (unlike 2 Broke Girls).  The pop culture references grated a bit less too, as I seem to recall them being less nonsensical than the CBS comedy that shall not be named (again).

I'm curious to know if anyone else has had discussions as I have had over the past few days where people were shocked that I wanted to see Drive.  I think the marketing gave the wrong impression that this was some crappy action film.  I loved it, so hopefully it finds its audience.

Saw it tonight and that is exactly correct.  Great cinematography, score and performances pared down to the bone.  An iconic film.

Awesome.  I assumed that somewhere on the Internet someone would let him know directly about this.