
And now I can point out that the "awesome" Build-a-Title in the Bellknap episode was bull because there is no movie named "Day of the Condor".  Also, Kate got robbed because the second point should have been hers and ended the game (if I recall correctly…..I'm definitely right about the Build-a-Title though).

Yes!  I almost had to stop the CBB episode halfway through because I was driving and became worried about not being able to see the road. I always love Wittels, but Scott really brought his A game.

Sigh. That didn't take long. Can we add a dislike feature to this thing?

I was pretty surprised to find Carrie's feelings here as I enjoyed most of the episode.  Tommy's death took forever but at least he's gone now (though I did enjoy seeing the various cast members pretending to be him).  And while you could certainly view it as sloppy, I thought knowing Marnie was in control amped up

The relative datedness of the Atkins jokes is interesting because I felt like it was a bit dated when it first aired.  I believe the diet debuted in the 1970s and has waxed and waned in the public consciousness ever since.

We'll see who brings in more honey.

As in go buy us some coffee
I had forgotten that Whistler's Mother has what are probably my two favorite Arrested Development moments. The Gob/His Wife exchange that Noel sort of quotes above and the two scenes with Gob/Tobias. Will Arnett and David Cross's expressions throughout those scenes are brilliant. I love

I like Aukerman quite a bit when he is bantering with guests, but have to agree that the only game that I really enjoy is Would You Rather. Sometimes you get funny reactions to the Aukerman's unfunny stuff in Hollywood Facts, Dead or Alive and Who Said It, but it is hit or miss. What Am I Thinking is atrocious.

What a delightful, off-the-cuff exchange.

Okay, so that potshot at McBride may have been a tad unfair. I vaguely recall liking him in Pineapple Express and in the season I saw of Eastbound he had his moments. I guess his schtick is just beginning to grate on me. I rarely even smiled at his performance here (though I suppose one could attribute this, as

Saw this at a screening
And thought that things worked well after the bomb gets strapped to Eisenberg. The early going was pretty dire, but Ansari and Eisenberg make for a good comic duo and the plotting actually paid off pretty well by the end.

That exchange is a top 5 Arrested Development moment for me. I love how quickly Gob's demeanor changes. The way he gets so angry at Michael for one second and then very happy when he thinks it's him. I've watched that scene a lot.

Great, original comparison
Steve, you outdid yourself with this one. "Auto-Tune doesn't make 808s And Heartbreak sound cooler; it makes it sound colder, like a tomb enclosing a man with his stickiest, shittiest thoughts that he can't express with his usual eloquence." may be the best sentence I've read on the AV Club

The anti-billboard initiative! Another great Missouri anecdote, they got an anti-billboard initiative on the ballot with the caveat that any currently existing billboards would be grandfathered in. So this sparked a flurry of billboard building activity until the inevitable failure of the initiative. However, they

zeppomarxist - Never in my life would I have imagined that I would see Fulton (my hometown) mentioned here.

Missouri thread! My brother lives in KC and I agree that it's a fun city. Glad to see Missouri getting some love on TV.

The age-old improvisation question
I was fascinated by Schur's discussion of the amount of improvisation on the show. Actors get asked this a lot (as in the past they have been the go to interviewees for television), but will almost uniformly deny any improvisation - wisely so, given the power of the writers over the

I would have been interested to know if Schur saw Community's mockumentary episode. He talks a lot about the style, but says that they pay it minimal attention. He also indirectly acknowledges some of Community's points about the form (quickly introduced plot points, direct access to characters), so it made me

Anyone else bothered by how difficult it was for Buffy to kill the Ubervamp? If I were a Potential, this little demonstration would leave me frightened. SPOILERS??? (Been a while since I watched S7)

Silly Buns - I'm willing to acknowledge at least through Anywhere but Here, with possible acceptance of Wolves at the Gate (liking the Xander-Dracula dynamic, on the negative side - an overly obvious Whedon patented ending)