
Not that wallflower needs defending, but Mike Newell did in fact direct Goblet of Fire. Maybe the Mike Newell Defence Fund shouldn't do it's research on Wikipedia.

If you are having streaming difficulties, then I could see the logic in dropping it altogether. I can't say that I have experienced buffering issues, but maybe it's a bigger issue in denser areas (I'm in San Diego).

So what you're saying Tasha is that you will leave Netflix even though they clearly have the best selection/speed at the best price? I'm as against price increases as everyone, but this whole thing seems seriously overblown.

I think it's a case study in the movie ending as Rorshach test. I've had the ending strike me as hopeful or depressing depending on my mood and current life situation. Probably Gondry's goal too as the original Kaufman ending really tipped the scales on which you were supposed to feel.

How could you say such horrible things about Hot Saucerman's favorite song?

Great scene - Audience or No
I generally agree that an audience can really heighten a horror movie, but I have to say that I watched Scream 2 on DVD with my girlfriend six years ago and this scene stuck out in my mind so much that I was happy beyond all reason to see it some up in Scenic Routes. The tension that

So, based on the comments here, who exactly are the CBB fans that feel ambivalent about Harris Wittels?

My biggest Grantland issue currently is their pop culture writing. It looks like they are moving to confining it to its own blog, which is probably wise. Klosterman's stuff is usually good (as has been discussed above), but Andy Greenwald is appalling and Molly Lambert's write-up of the True Blood premiere was a

While I find the Hermano misunderstanding funny by the way that Arnett and Bateman sell it (and the contributing factor that they live in SoCal and have a Spanish maid and never bothered to learn basic Spanish), I think everyone can agree it's all worth it for one of those great GOB being idiotically smart moments:

Pier Pressure was the first episode of Arrested Development I ever saw and I'm not sure why I watched it that night (though based on the other two people on this thread maybe there was some promotion?). Of course, I was sold instantly.

Wait - there are people who actually like the first Cars? Maybe I need to revisit….Started watching it on an airplane and it was so bad (unfunny, predictable plot, no interesting characters) that I gave up halfway through and went to sleep.

What I enjoy is hearing Todd praise the new network pilots as adventurous here after months of him describing them to Libby on their podcast as "typical TV show (cop, doctor, etc.) with a twist" and Libby going "UGH" and complaining about the network's lack of originality. Todd, if you could retract that part of this

You are most decidedly not alone. I stopped listening a few weeks ago due to Kremer's inability to be funny and the entirely conventional and uninterestingly explained takes on culture. It's tolerable with a decent guest, but otherwise I avoid it.

Exactly JPM! This season has had so many high points that Epidemiology (largely hailed for being great at the time, as I recall) is almost forgotten in this discussion. I loved it - but it wouldn't make my top 5.

It's a little hard for me to say anything definitively until I get that Season 2 DVD set, but I think I like s2 better than s1 for the same reason that I prefer Community to Parks and Rec - I love my art swinging for the fences, even if it means some serious misses. Seeing other people list their top five made me

Seconded on the Firewall and Iceberg disappointment. I love both Sepinwall and Fienberg's writing, but I cannot listen to that podcast. Their frequent attempts at humor are brutally unfunny to me, so I'll just stick to hitfix.com.

Point of Order
Andrea was just as blindsided the first time Matt went. This was the first time she went against him, which makes you wonder what else she might have up her sleeve (or did Matt's buddying up to Krista spell his doom?)

As soon as Caleb and Wysocki started having the conversation about Northwestern, I said, "This should have been in the second episode". When the niece said something about her first day on the job (with the task force) it seemed to confirm that this ep was out of order. Really bothers me that they moved it, because

GiMCD is reminding me of my recurrent disorientation in those scenes.

Hanging around for the supporting characters
I think someone else alluded to it, but the main characters are doing nothing for me right now. No personal motivations beyond "Let's get Gibbons", endless amounts of expository dialogue, and lots of running around are not adding up to something I want to watch. I'll