The Compleat Leper

This is not stupider than a Facebook movie!


To what are you refering? His Saintspeak, a satirical look at the Mormons?

Ants in your Pants: MY GODDAMNED LIFE


i wish to recontextualize these last few sentences. Maybe as graffiti.

i hope he was already registered.

Don Cherry is involved how…?
Until this moment, i thought "Rock 'em Sock 'em" was trademarked by Don Cherry and nobody else. I click more links this way.

….is it too much to ask for a new character, series of characters, doomed city, SOMETHING NEW???

Nobody laughs if he's drunk and juggling knives on the Vegas strip.

Argentina is known for its soft, tender beef. It might actually be toddler; I doubt it though.

I've had a soft/hard spot for Maura Tierney for 15 years. Is she around here somewhere?

@Poop Trumpet

"Perfunctory" is an apropos word; so is "running down the clock", somehow. If there was only two or three movies in this style out there, he might even be genius.

Robin willians AND christian glover as TWO COMPETING RIDDLERS.

I'd pay to see that during prime-time. But i wouldn't watch it for free on the internet.

I used to like her for succeeding at the public act of self-destruction that i was always too afraid to do. My parents are atill alive, and old, and i'm an only child. So i felt that JG succeeded in this so that i wouldn't have to.

ref. Allantois (pl. allantoides):
"A membranous sac that develops from the posterior part of the alimentary canal in the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles."

shows how much YOU know

yes it did.