The Compleat Leper

in latin, dog is 'canis'.
'Canus' is, well, nothing.

you mean, "[…]smoking ONLY 25 joints a day", right?

the studio's motto is Ars Gratia Artis, 'Art for the sake of Art'.
But i disbelieve that they're making movies to make art; i think they're trying to make money.

i know people like this! bullet points:

i assume that the human centipede is already naked (unless someone tailored some 3-person body sock), and you're inviting someone - someone naked - to come paint it.

This embedded clip wouldn't play for me, or for two friends i asked to test it.

L'id, L'ego, but LA superego

isn't lego in 'my lego space shuttle' an adjective?

he was the tuba of barflies in Cheers.

i like the question-caret. it's like a raised eyebrow.

good on you, man- my activity schedule end up being pretty segregated / discrete; i completely missed the A Scanner Darkly discussions to do some gardening. i want to be here for Cloud Atlas -but this hangs on the weather, and the Fantasia film fest. I SHOULD learn to do two things at once. Or, per day.

i'm with wallflower.
it seemed real to me- in that, real experiences aren't so easily understood as and broken down into symbols, processes or events.

i've noticed with myself, when i was young, ooh, all this extra brain energy i hd! i could keep a number of selves up in the air, personae for contexts, with no problems.
Alas, age (yes, and drugs) stripped this in part from me- the amount of energy a person has to expend on practicalities, and not just the joy of

…which, from that Buddhist POV, is more 'real' than the identification of one's self with the persona- but that realization is normally reserved for after one's death. Only 'saints' get that experince in life- and they've been preparing for it, worknig towards it, and have a value-adding method for understanding it

hey Miller, that 'constant self scrutiny' is the core of many Buddhist and Hindu meditiation techniques. And unlike western ideas of meditation, it sure isn't relaxing per se…. (just as yoga isn't ust ancient jazzercise). But like anything else in the human palette of experience, ine gets used to it, and adept at it,

holy cow, Wide Ranger, you just planted a seed.

I had first read this book as an undergrad, studying Hindu and Buddhist philosophy; where I was drawn more to the riotous bravery of Hindu philosophy, this book then and now helped illustrate a number of tenets of Buddhist (in this case, largely Tibetin Buddhist) theories of the self. We are constructs, facets built

they cleaned him up a bit, to get the PG13

What are you people, office-caste? If its so bad, quit!

hmm. not 'condensed' but 'compiled'. Unless its been going on longer than i think.