The Compleat Leper

i'm not trying to put you down, Juanito. But:
"Mr. Hitchens & I are on the same wavelength about almost everything."

As a real-world treehugging heterosexual, i 100% agree with ZMF. Pave that fucking bullshit planet.

you people are just bating ZMF. shame on you.

cubit * of course.

a cuit is a unit of ark length. Trig.

and, it is funny to emasculate women! Emasculating women is fun!

i wasn't convinced by his performance in Who Is Chris Rock? but it was made 21 years ago, it was a different age.

Debbie Gibson was pregnant with my two-headed love child


but then where would the memories and personalities come from? Does Lamarckism via the vile Tleilaxu have a 27th century resurgence?

or a robotic simulacrum thereof.

why can't you log on? did you lose your password in a fire?

If it was so important, the only thing to do would be to have squads travel backwards through time and space to the recently-enough corpse of the future jarhead and decapitate said corpse. Or perhaps little robot drones.

Breakin', Breakin'2, both Lambada movies and two other G&G dance movies were all shot in the same 8 week period. They only HAD one script.

leading to the defooting of all three thousand waltzeurs in Saigon at the time. From which they built the famous Way of 6000 Feet, which was almost destroyed in a bombing raid in '72

so….. what's dangerous about punk rock? besides the gangrene?

shhh you'll just go and get yourself deleted, starz, and then where would we be?

@Preparation Heche

one production got the rich nougat, the other, the creamery-butter topping.

I had ambivalent memories about NewsRadio (i didn't live in North America then, and besides, Dave Foley in an American non-KITH role? bah, bah) till i glanced at these AVClub reviews. I downloaded the whole of season four (risking possible future persecution) based on
1) Donna's enthusiasm, and
2) the enthusiasm of